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Thunderbird Daily users should start noticing something new in the app menu πŸ˜‰

(This is purely in the testing phase right now, and as always we don't recommend Alpha software in a production environment.)

EDIT: Please read this post before deciding to test it…

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Not on testing, but I like this idea to have images there to help with navigation. Can't wait to get it on stable @thunderbird:
in reply to olividir @linux

@olividir Indeed. We have an eye toward improved accessibility and faster navigation with the Supernova release next year, and this slightly redesigned app menu is part of.

And of course, so is Firefox Sync!

in reply to olividir @linux

@olividir Not sync WITH Firefox, but an implementation of Firefox Sync to sync your Thunderbird data.

It's a feature coming to our next major version in 2023.

Unknown parent

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

In Thunderbird Supernova (version 115), Summer 2023.

You can also check our roadmap here:…

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

That's great , now, if only compact tab option would be enabled by default in Firefox without having to tweak config 😢
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

mehrere Fragen:
a) ist Thunderbird for Android dann auch IMAP und mehr account fΓ€hig?
b) muss ich ΓΌber PCeinrichten oder reicht die App_
c) gibt es die App dann auch bei #fdroid oder nur bei Google?
Unknown parent

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox
@sxpert Until we further refine dark mode, the best solution is to install the Dark Reader add-on, which works great!
in reply to Hylders

@hylders YES! The app menu got slightly redesigned to be smarter, more accessible, and more space-efficient.

Also, there are icons for every main option in the app menu, where before there were not.

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

I'll bet that font size easy placement will help a lot of people, especially 4k users with large monitors and no scaling.

I look forward to compose being a tab someday and general simplifications, maybe a revamp of the search feature so users can be more effective navigating large mailboxes & multiple accounts.

All the updates this year have been great to put to use! Thank you guys :)

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Amazing! Finally my Thunderbird data could be synced.

I feel a bit weird at first as I couldn't use my old Mozilla account. After reading the note, I found that "we're using the test servers.", and created a test account on this server.

Looking forward for publishing this feature in the production release!

in reply to Zhenbo Li

@zhenboli Thank you for helping us test the core functionality! And yes, many more Firefox Sync features will be coming in the full version.

(Also, Daily is pretty fun to use -- just use caution!)

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Any plans to also support syncing email filters? Otherwise I have to setup Sieve on my mail server... And I kinda want to avoid that (because reasons) πŸ˜…
in reply to Techassi

@techassi Yes, that is absolutely planned and a vital feature! It will be included when Thunderbird Supernova launches next summer.

(Right now we're just testing very core functionality)

Unknown parent

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

@coolansplanet We feel like there IS opportunity for Thunderbird (or a future Thunderbird product) to be incorporated into the Fediverse in a cool, meaningful way.

Just not sure what that looks like yet.
