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On this day three years ago, I received my to date most scary #email - I'm not used to death threats,

... which over time of course turned out to be harmless.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

that’s awful, I’m so sorry.

While working at Twitter during GamerG*te times, a former US Marine I went to university with (who was quite unstable) got banned from Twitter for his rhetoric, thought that I must have personally made it happen (since I worked there). He sent me messages with my home address as parts of his threats. No charges ever came of it, but it sure as heck meant that I never again posted photos anywhere that could be used to identify my home.

in reply to Ben

@sangster I completely understand. I've been quite liberal with photos and "leaking" information about my whereabouts etc in the past, but since this one threat I have a much more restrictive approach.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

death threats and murder attempts never completely fade away sadly, I know quite a lot about it having lived both. I wish you all the best and that it can stay in your last forever!