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Items tagged with: email

Google drops it's plan of disabling 3rd-party tracking cookies by default in Chrome. 🍪

Looking for a Chrome alternative? Check out our recommendations.
#browser #email #privacy #encryption #foss #cookies

Hanna sat down with Henry from @techlore for an in-depth talk about #privacy, #encryption, and #email!

You can watch the full interview here 👉

I'm in the lookout for a new #email provider. Requirements: No megacorp, located within the EU, accessible via IMAP and webmail, professionally maintained. Support for calendar and contacts is a plus. Any recommendations?

Alguém sabe se é possível gerir os mails de uma cópia de segurança de Gmail (em formato .mbox) com Thunderbird (@thunderbird)? E se não é possível... alguma ideia alternativa? Obrigado!

Tenho a caixa de correios cheia e tenho que deixar funcionando essa memória histórica antes de apagar todo...

#thunderbird #gmail #mail #email #mbox

In light of the #Outlook changes I wholeheartedly recommend @thunderbird #thunderbird as an #email client.

Also works fine as #calender client and as #todo list.

There is no need to use #Microsoft for your daily Internet presence.

Which #GNOME #email client should I replace #Thunderbird with ? I want at least multi-account management, contact management and classification rules 🤓

  • Evolution ? (52%, 10 votes)
  • Geary / Pantheon Mail ? (26%, 5 votes)
  • Betterbird ? (10%, 2 votes)
  • Other ? (detailing below) (10%, 2 votes)
19 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

@thunderbird really needs a *Snooze* function for "Inbox Zero" freaks like myself.

Until then, there is the **RemindMe** add-on! :')…

Released Released Jan. 28, 2023, and I can confirm it works well enough to get the job done.

#Thunderbird #Email

unfortunately im going to make a negative feedback about @Tutanota :/
just as i moved all my accounts to their mail, today i was surprised by an "invalid credentials. please try again" message when tried loginning with my fingerprint as always. i couldnt login with password and recovery key either with the same error. i hope it will be fixed soon and will not repeat in future, otherwise i'll search for another #opensource #sequrity #email provider :/

Is your inbox stealing your time and focus like your dryer steals socks? Treating your email like you'd ideally treat your laundry (no floor wardrobes here) can help put you in control of your inbox, instead of the other way around. Read our tips and tricks for putting this method to work in Thunderbird - and as always, we'd love to read about your productivity hacks and practices!

#Thunderbird #Email #Productivity…

So mal ein paar Fragen zu Friendica

1.) kann ich meinen Account und auch einen RSS Feed Spiegel auf eine anderen Server (wo ich auch Admin bin) umziehen.

2.) Wo definiert man den Email Server auf dem der Friendica Server Daten per Email Schickt

3.) Kann es sein das im Docker Image von Friendica, der Friendica Worker nicht eingerichtet ist. Beispielsweise als Service in der systemd

#friendica #worker #accounts #docker #email

🚀📨 "Why JMAP Protocol is Faster". Discover how JMAP streamlines email synchronization, boosts efficiency, and simplifies development compared to IMAP.

Check it out here:… #JMAP #Email

proud of your work. but please make your email usable so more people can use it. #email #ui #ux #encryption #signup #users

If you subscribe to my weekly #email, you will get a full nerd report every week about what I have been up to and will do next. Mostly about #curl, open source, networking and related stuff.

At no cost. No ads. No requirements. If you want to.

I usually toot new entries here on Mastodon.

«Telegram Combolists and 361M Email Addresses»
– by @troyhunt

Telegram was never secure but now is it very clear. You us it, why?


#telegram #itsecurity #email #combolist

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: FairEmail Accessible with TalkBack actions support… #Android #App #Email

#Email picks of the day:

➡️ (main) & (videos) - Popular free open source email & communications suite

➡️ @delta - E2EE encrypted chat app which works through your existing email account

➡️ @WorfEmail - Lieutenant Worf is sending emails

➡️ @Tutanota - Indie email provider based in Germany

➡️ @mailbox_org - Another indie email provider in Germany

➡️ @hellomailo - Indie email provider based in France

➡️ @fastmail - Indie email provider based in Australia

🧵 1/2

FWIW, I've submitted a proposal on Mozilla Ideas:…

#Thunderbird #Mozilla #Email #Minimal #FDroid

I see some people are really disappointed about Debian packaging a stripped-down version of KeePassXC. But hey, I actually wish there was also a minimal @thunderbird package without integrations of IRC or Matrix etc, just with core email functionality.

#Debian #Thunderbird #Email #Neomutt

I'm looking for a privacy-focused #email provider with IMAP support. Preferably email-only provider (without calendar or cloud storage integration). No weird spam filtering system, zero-access encryption for data at rest, OpenPGP for encryption, 2FA, custom domain support, no personal info required for signup and accepts payment with cryptocurrency. Plus, it should perform well on the assessment at

How often do you check your non-personal email (work, school, etc.)? We promise we won't tell your managers/bosses/etc. 😉 📪

#Thunderbird #Email #Productivity

  • Once a week or month or more (9%, 92 votes)
  • Once or twice a day (38%, 368 votes)
  • Once or twice an hour (21%, 201 votes)
  • More times than I can count (30%, 287 votes)
948 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

When #Google says it will save your #chats, does that include chats on the other #apps on your #phone like #Viber, #Tusky, #Slack, #LinkedIn, #Instagram, #email apps, etc?

Or is it just for #SMS and Google apps?

WATCH Brandon and Josh from All Things Secured chat email security, encryption, privacy, and the best ways to protect yourself online 🔒 😎

What are your thoughts on their discussion? 💭 💭

Watch here 👉…

#email #emailprivacy #encryption

Help Keep Thunderbird Alive! 📫 📩

I donated to @thunderbird today to #freetheinbox. Join me to support communication privacy. (They need to add a Mastodon share intent on their donation page) via @mozthunderbird…

#Thunderbird #Email #FreeYourEmail

I really appreciate Thunderbird's team, and these updates are going to finally put it into the running with other modern offerings. I migrated to using it as my daily driver for email management a few years ago, and I'm glad I did, but I'm also so excited to be looking at desktop improvements and an android app.

#Thunderbird #Email #EmailClient #OpenSource #Mozilla #Android #Software

Check out our newest Short on #Invidious! 🎉

How to create a FREE encrypted email account in seconds.

Keeping spies out of your mailbox has never been easier. 😉


#encryption #email #free #privacy

This week even more features have been released for Tuta Contacts! 🥳 🎉

✅ Bidirectional Mobile Device Sync
✅ Improved vCard Import from #Email
✅ New Account Onboarding
✅ More!

Check out the changes & start encrypting your contacts lists today! 👉…

It's 2024 and #Google is now requiring bulk #email senders to use DMARC, SPF, & DKIM when emailing #Gmail users. 👍


This is a great step, BUT why did they allow bulk senders to send #spam emails without proper #security standards until now? 🤔

«Tuta stellt Post-Quantum-Verschlüsselung TeraCrypt vor»

Ist @Tutanota momentan die "Ersten", die es in ihrem #Email-Service anbieten? Ich frage nur, weil ganz neu sind die Erkenntnisse von Post-Quantum #Verschlusselung mMn nicht. Nun gut und zugegeben, ich verfolge das Thema schon etwas länger, wenn auch nur am Rande.


It's Thursday, and we've got a Thunderbird two in one tip! If you use tags to organize your emails, today's tips are all about activating and moving tags in the Folder Pane.

1. Click the Folder Pane Menu (three dots on right side of 'New Message') 📁
2. Hover over Folder Modes ➡️
3. Enable Tags ✅

Want to move the tags around? Click on the vertical three-dot Tags menu to shift them up or down.

#Thunderbird #Email #Organization

If you're a fan of the free open source e-mail software Thunderbird, you might want to follow their official PeerTube account:


(You can also follow their Mastodon account at

If you just want to browse their PeerTube videos without following them, you can watch them all at…

#Thunderbird #Mozilla #MozillaThunderbird #FOSS #EMail #Libre #PeerTube

On this day three years ago, I received my to date most scary #email… - I'm not used to death threats,

... which over time of course turned out to be harmless.

Thunderbird is an email client with built-in support for PGP encryption.

Messages are encrypted/decrypted in the client and remain encrypted on email servers, this is client-side encryption.

Some email providers support PGP encryption server-side, this method could be vulnerable to third-party decryption of emails.

Client side encryption:…

Mastodon: @thunderbird

#Thunderbird #Email #Encryption #OpenPGP #PGP

I’ve been with Tuta for many years now. I first moved off a mainstream option to get #encrypted #email from a service provider who gave a dam. However, over time it has become way more than that. I feel part of the @Tutanota #community, a place where there is some heart and soul. Their #customersupport is second to none with actual considered answers (no mile long threads to get understanding- they get it straight away). And the design just keeps on giving! #gratitude for your service!

🎊 Looking for a sweet way to celebrate #dataprivacyday? 🎉

Why not try dropping #BigTech in favor of a more private #email provider. 😎

We've got you covered with a full comparison so you can have your #privacy cake and eat it too! 💪🔒

Even as development has resumed on Thunderbird, criticisms remain over its stability and features. For those frustrated by Thunderbird’s issues, there may be a solution: Betterbird, a fork of the main Thunderbird client.

#thundbird #betterbird #email

🎊 Before you #OwnTheNight, ask yourself who really owns your #email mailbox. 💃

With Tuta, all your data is #encrypted on your devices before it is sent to our servers, leaving only you with access to your files. 💪🔒

This is #privacy done right.