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in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

…and it is 100% compatible to curl‘s true, living url parsing standard.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@icing I need more coffee. I saw who sent the post and automatically parsed that as "hey, no need to curl this early in the morning" and was like wat?
in reply to Troed Sångberg

@troed @icing I apologize for not taking low coffee level amounts into account before writing "complicated" toots 😀
in reply to Vincent Biret

@vincentbiret feel free to propose with more details how exactly you imagine that could look like
Unknown parent

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

this looks great, thanks for creating it! For years I've been using Python's urllib in the interactive interpreter, this will surely be a nice replacement.

Just a tiny remark: the scheme guessing looks like a potential footgun to me
in reply to Andrea Corbellini

@andrea the guessing is there because that's exactly the same guessing curl does, which makes trurl behave exactly like curl in that aspect
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I twitched because the preview image really made feel like I was having to solve a captcha. Please select all the images containing a valid URL...
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I remember working on an API that had all kinds of fields for things like host, port, resource name, etc.

I went to everyone and said "You know we have a structured microformat for this information already, right?"

It helped that we were in python and urlparse was everywhere, but even that won't split "netloc" for you grumblegrumble...