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Short passwords are an open door for hackers. 🕵️ 🔓

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#CyberSecurity #PasswordTips

in reply to Tuta

I'll be sure to use
for my next password!
Thx for the tip!
in reply to Tuta

all randomly generated through Vaultwarden/Bitwarden, as long as the service will allow.
in reply to Tuta

well some websites don’t allow passwords longer than 16. We’re doomed
in reply to Tuta

The graphic does not do justice to the increase in strength of passwords against brute-force attacks with every additional character. For those wondering have some fun at Steve Gibson's password haystack @SGgrc
in reply to Tuta

Yes, using the same password is worse, like mine must change from Trump$ucks to something longer.
in reply to Tuta

Normalize extended ASCII
And 128+ long passwords

If you use a password manager (which you should)
There's no reason not to make it as complex as you can

#keepassxc #extendedascii #passwords #privacy #cybersecurity

in reply to Tuta

wouldn't be very strong a lot faster using non latin words ? Like a mix of kanji ; there are thousand of them after all ? A 4 kanji password feels stronger than any a 20 words with special charas. (but I didn't do the math)
in reply to Tuta

Потрібно пароль робити довжиною 20 + символів.