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in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I'm trying to reproduce what you wrote in a clean debian bookworm docker container and ./maketgz 8.7.1 is failing due to a missing pib/libcurl.plist

I think that could be a way forward for curl: have a dockerimage to produce those files.

Then you can use that image, users can reproduce it, and we could even have a github action that runs this image on every tag push and automatically uploads release artifacts.

in reply to Daniel

@djh I forgot the step that you actually need to completely build curl once as well
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

These version numbers are not enough, when I tried earlier I noticed that the generated files seemed to contain patches added by Debian or Ubuntu, you should specify the exact versions including the distribution-specific revision (from dpkg -l).

The latest from Ubuntu 23.10 worked best for me, these were probably what you used, but having the exact version makes it easier to reproduce in the future.

in reply to cesarb

As to the best place to document, my suggestion would be to (once you have determined the set of tools which matter and how to obtain their exact release) change your script to put the relevant versions in a text file somewhere within the tarball itself.