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in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I find the stability and backward compatibility fascinating. I’d love to read about your approach: Do you get the API right the first time? Do you learn to live with technical debt? Isn’t it slowing the development? Have you ever deprecated and removed something?
in reply to Ondřej Mirtes

@OndrejMirtes I basically define "right" as the way we first designed it as that's the way we stick with for decades to come. I think we nailed the API model decently from the beginning and we've managed to do okay decisions since. The key is to have the API not expose too much internals so that we can keep evolving and changing while keeping the API. So yeah, there is a debt for sure but it's generally not a big bother I think.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

curl is to internet functionality what WD-40 is to anything mechanical. It works and does so consistently.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

"I got a brief moment of acknowledgement from my kids that I might be doing cool stuff before they forgot and moved on." hahahah, they still have no idea.