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in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

"either you turn yourself in or ill show it to the police"

That's a very weird thing to ask. What does that mean "turn yourself in"? Just answering "yes it was me. Sorry I won't do it again"?

in reply to theo⏚ ✅

@theocrite I presume he meant I should admit and come clean having done the crime he thinks I did.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I had someone send me angry messages and a dick pic on Facebook because he got spam from a system that happened to be running Virtualmin (OSS hosting control panel software I work on) and they saw the site disabled page which has our logo on it. The dick pic came after I explained politely what our software does. That's not the only crazy messages I've gotten, by any means, but it was certainly memorable. And, I deleted our Facebook page because of it. Nothing good ever happens there.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

but do/did you have a dedicated website where you where getting godwin's law treatment? ;) -- yeah, not an achievement one wants to get. (fortunately long purged from the interwebz...)

As such: Thanks Daniel and all other contributors for all your amazing hard work on curl and related code! It makes the world go around.