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Getting security online right seems like a daunting task. But one thing is certain: Password managers help! 💪

🔥Here are our top three: 🔥

What are your favorite #PasswordManagers

#privacy #security #opsec #passwords #passwordfatigue #databreach #breachdata #infosec

  • KeePassXC (49%, 218 votes)
  • Bitwarden (46%, 201 votes)
  • Pass (4%, 18 votes)
437 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

in reply to Tuta

KeePassXC & Bitwarden. Should have been multiple choice ;)
in reply to Tuta

it’s curious that two of the three options on the poll do not supply complete set of features the article calls out as desired features while other password managers that do are left off the list.
in reply to Tuta

I don't use password manager as 2FA. Because the password manager itself should of course also be protected by 2FA.
in reply to Tuta

I am a big fan of Bitwarden! Their Linux experiance has been a bit rough of late but I am sure it will even out. Though, I am hoping for a GTK/Adwaita or Qt native app as intergrations are much more likely to be easier.