
Items tagged with: privacy

Just like Linus (LTT) said, Apple could have just stopped working in UK territory, people would fight back against UK's government, pushing them to revert back the law and get Apple back. But Apple has no backbone and cares only about money, unlike Tuta.

#Apple #Tuta #Privacy

In the context of all the #privacy discussions going on recently, please share with non-techie friends and family that #Zoom calls where someone says, "It's okay, we're not recording this," are NOT private.

With ~$99 worth of apps, it's super easy to record almost any video on your screen, with accompanying audio. Even though it's easy to see that your Zoom call organizer isn't recording, that doesn't mean anyone else in the call isn't (and you wouldn't know).

I've switched to lurking here for a while due to the effects the current political situation in the US is having on me. I am making some big changes to how I do things, including how I livestream and host various products of my math research. I'll be posting about the steps I take as I take them.

I have switched from #Firefox to #Librewolf on my desktops. This was pretty easy since I have been storing my bookmarks as a plain text file on my desktop for a while now. Very portable. I just wish #VideoDownloadHelper worked on Librewolf.

I am looking into #XMPP now and trying to find a server to sign up for. Does anyone know any with open registration?

I have also recently gotten into #IRC again, and am excited to get more familiar with the #Pidgin client on desktop.

#math #privacy #security #federation #software

Sure, they might have your previous data.

But you know what they *don't* have?
They don't have your *future* data.

It's never too late to start improving your data privacy online. Every small step helps.

#Privacy #HumanRights

🔐 Vaultwarden – bezpečný správce hesel na OSCloud

🔹 Co to je?
Vaultwarden je open-source alternativa ke správci hesel Bitwarden. Umožňuje bezpečně ukládat, spravovat a sdílet hesla bez závislosti na komerčních službách. 🔑

🔹 Proč ho používat?
✅ End-to-end šifrování pro maximální bezpečnost 🔒
✅ Synchronizace hesel mezi zařízeními 📱💻

🚀 Více informací:
#OSCloud #OpenSource #Privacy

🤯 OMG! Someone just posted on Reddit bragging how he fed 13 MILLION records to Gemini to clean up. What records? "mostly dead scrambled data institutions, college, student records, course materials, research datasets. Used Gemini for cleaning, deduping, and organizing. Super useful for universities, EdTech, and students handling large study resources." #FERPA #Privacy #HigherEd #EdTech #Google #Gemini…

Everyone should be encrypting on device BEFORE uploading now.

A few things come to mind, but for #iOS users, I would use @cryptomator

If anyone needs any help whatsoever securing their communications or files, PLEASE message me. I am here for you.


📊 Umami – jednoduchá a soukromá webová analytika na OSCloud
🔹 Co to je? Umami je open-source nástroj pro webovou analytiku, který respektuje soukromí uživatelů – žádné cookies, žádné sledování třetích stran. 🔒
🔹 Proč ho používat?
✅ Přehledná a minimalistická analytika
✅ GDPR-friendly, bez invazivního sledování
✅ Ideální alternativa k Google Analytics
📖 Více informací:
💬 Používáte Umami, nebo preferujete jiný nástroj?
#OSCloud #OpenSource #Analytics #Privacy

☁️ Vítejte na OSCloud!
OSCloud je komunitní server pro všechny, kdo hledají jednoduché a funkční online řešení.
📢 Co nabízíme?
🔹 Hosting a správu open-source aplikací – bezpečné a soukromé alternativy ke komerčním službám.
🔹 Od e-mailu, přes kancelářské aplikace a bezpečnostní prvky, až po snadno spravovaný webhosting.
V následujících dnech vám postupně představíme dostupné aplikace a jejich možnosti. Sledujte nás a objevte svět bezpečného cloudu!

#OSCloud #SelfHosting #OpenSource #Privacy

I've been using #Firefox derivative #Zen #browser for a couple of months, and am very happy with it. As a refugee from #Arc, I love the similar tab UI and the split-screen view. And it has all of the #privacy features of Firefox, with none of the #chromium

Tuta email, located in Germany, Europe, now uses quantum computers to encrypt their emails.

(Technically, they are using algorithms determined to be safe against attacks from quantum computers. And they don't actually have a quantum computer running 24/7, but that is good enough for me.)

#Tuta #Email #QuantumComputers #Quantum #Privacy #Security

"Many privacy laws, including the EU’s GDPR and California’s CCPA, require user consent for tracking. However, because fingerprinting works without explicit storage of user data on a device, companies may argue that existing laws do not apply which creates a legal gray area that benefits advertisers over consumers."

Hanna, #Tuta (@Tutanota), 2025…

Evil, but smart. Time for a broad brush ban on surveillance advertising?

#privacy #surveillance #AdTech

🍪 A 2023 study concluded CAPTCHAs are 'a tracking cookie farm for profit masquerading as a security service' that made us spend 819 billion hours clicking on traffic lights to generate nearly $1 trillion for Google…

#captchas #tracking #privacy

The world needs secure communication more than ever, as a bulwark against the surveillance, authoritarianism, and oppression increasingly enabled by Big Tech. Matrix seeks to meet that need, as an open source, decentralised, encrypted comms protocol.

But Trust & Safety is more difficult in a decentralised environment. How are we building a safer Matrix?…

#Matrix #Security #Privacy #TrustAndSafety #OpenSource #FOSS

"The consensus among cybersecurity experts could not be clearer:

There is no way to provide government access to end-to-end encrypted data without breaking end-to-end encryption, thus putting every user’s security and privacy at risk."

Join the voice of experts in the joint letter to stop the UK's order to break encryption – Sign and share our petition today ⬇️

#encryption #privacy #Apple #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol…

ORG and over 150 signatories call on the UK government to RESCIND its demand to create a backdoor to Apple encryption.

It "jeopardises the security and privacy of millions, undermines the UK tech sector, and sets a dangerous precedent for global cybersecurity."

"The world’s second-largest provider of mobile devices would be built on top of a systemic security flaw, putting all of its users’ security and privacy at risk."

#encryption #privacy #cybersecurity #ukpolitics…

Unsere #Matrix #Bridges sind jetzt offiziell aus der Beta-Phase raus! 🚀

Neben Telegram, Signal und WhatsApp haben wir ab sofort auch eine Bridge zu Discord im Angebot.

Vielen lieben Dank an unsere Beta-Kunden! Wir melden uns in Kürze bei euch 🙂

Mehr Infos zu unserem Matrix-Hosting und anderen Open-Source-Lösungen findet ihr auf unserer Website:

Genauere Infos zu den Bridges findet ihr hier:…

#OpenSource #Messaging #Privacy #Hosting

"The UK’s war on encryption affects all of us" via @verge.

Indeed, the UK's actions imperil security across the globe.

It's worth highlighting that open source comms tools, like @matrix and @signalapp, empower researchers and users: you'll _see_ if a backdoor is added.

Not so with proprietary tools. Do you really trust Meta, Apple, or Google not to roll over on you?…

#FOSS #SoftwareFreedom #OpenSource #Security #Privacy #Encryption

Public or private?

I would like to know when a post is private or not. So, is this correct?:

  • To mention an individual user, I type: @username@instance.tld
  • To mention a group (a subaccount used as a forum or a community) I type: !groupname@instance.tld

When I use '!', the message gets posted directly to that group. It ensures that all group members see the post. If the group is private, the message will be visible only to group members. If the group is public, the message will be visible to everyone (including non-members and possibly search engines).

Is the use of @ or ! the same as choosing 'Limited/Private' on the Permissions-tab?

Kind regards,

!Friendica Support

#privacy #posting #mentioning #public

🚨 Welke gegevens van je zou #Meta nog meer allemaal gebruiken om #AI te trainen? 🤔…

#WhatsApp heeft al AI in de app...🤷…

Zeker zijn dat je privégesprekken en data niet en nooit worden gebruikt? Kies #Signal:
