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French educator Louis Braille was born #OTD in 1809.

He was the inventor of a reading and writing system named after him, braille, intended for use by visually impaired people. His system is used worldwide and remains virtually unchanged to this day. He was blinded when he was 3 years old. But when he was still a student, Louis Braille was frustrated by his inability to read and write.

in reply to Project Gutenberg

Then, Braille heard about a French army officer who had devised a system of written communication of raised dots and dashes for nighttime battles. He borrowed the idea of the dots, and set about creating an alphabet that could be read by touch. He decided that each letter would be represented by a different arrangement of six dots packed close enough that each letter could be read by a single fingertip. He presented his work to his peers for the first time in 1824.
