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When you throw random characters and strange things into #ElevenLabs, it gets quite... Irate, might be the word? Especially if the first slider is set to 0.

Pitermach reshared this.

in reply to Andre Louis

Ah yes, getting neural voices to rage and otherwise break like that will never get old.
in reply to Andre Louis

Wow! That was…


I have a big smile on my face! 🤣
in reply to Andre Louis

What in the everloving fuck is that! That last bit made me bust out laughing!

Andre Louis reshared this.

in reply to Jayson Smith

@jaybird110127 When I heard that, I busted out laughing too. It was just too ridiculous.
in reply to Andre Louis

I uh… Um… Can’t decide if I just watched some 10 year old trying to stream or a YTP of atomic shrimp with the way the levels were, but this thing dies in a very od way indeed.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach@dragonscave.spaceIt really does. I just had to try.
in reply to Andre Louis

Um? wow? that was, very interesting, and will give me nightmares. I'm actually planning to use this in a serious way, but that's just me.
in reply to Andre Louis

um? what the hell was that near the end? yeah, mad might be one way of saying it, or something. that was funny though. I wouldn't mind trying this thing with my own voice just to see what happens. I just need to find the URL for it.
in reply to Jayson Smith

@jaybird110127 I just created my first one, and oh my god do I sound boring as hell! I wonder how you guys attach it to a post using tweesecake? otherwize I would have to just give you guys a dropbox link to download.
in reply to Andre Louis

@jaybird110127 ah, ok, I just thought there might be a special key command like there is in the telegram session. so here goes nothing.
in reply to Andre Louis

Oh! My! Goodness! That was hysterical and demented all at once! I loved it!
in reply to Andre Louis

I can't get it to reliably replicate my voice at all, and his voice seems to have suffered from the same fate...
in reply to Andre Louis

It sounded at times outraged, upset, and possessed. Lol.
in reply to Andre Louis

It looks like you have to choose the get started plan to make custom voices, is that right? If so, do they ask for payment info right away?
in reply to Andre Louis

@bryn Are you sure that this isn't an actual human? Holy shit that's realistic.
in reply to Andre Louis

😂 definitely worth listening to for those last few seconds.
in reply to Andre Louis

can it recreate that scene from Downfall? I feel that might be its true calling.
in reply to Puzzle Trail Paul

@puzzletrailpaul You aught to try it and see. I don't know the movie myself, but if you can find a clear and quiet clip of the actor (actress) speaking, you can find out.