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🎊 The encrypted Tuta Calendar is now fully searchable! πŸ”Ž

Keeping track of your appointments has never been #easier or more #secure. πŸ“†πŸ”’

It looks like #dataprivacyweek just keeps on #giving. 🎁
#privacy #encryption #Productivity #organization

in reply to Tuta

when we have widgets it will be the perfect calendar ​:blahaj_heart:​
in reply to Tuta

Please add pinch to zoom (Android app); it is not good to keep scrolling up and down looking for events in the morning or in the evening; a full day view (Day and Week view) would be much better. Google Calendar and Proton Calendar already have it.
This is the only thing that made me cancel my paid subscription.
Already requested here:
PS. And @Tutanota please give us a way to see the hole day on weekly and daily views on web/desktop too.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Tuta

Could you add the option to display holidays in the calendar?
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Tuta

I am loving gthis one!!
Than you so much for all the hard work! Really really nice the way it works!

Keep it up! I will keep supporting you in your efforts!
