I'm more of a reader than a writer in 'Mastodon Space' but today I bring you something that those people I follow may not have heard of: what's likely to be the first attempt at a space suit, designed as early as 1936 in Spain. It was to be tested with a hot air balloon but unfortunately the whole thing had to be scrapped due to the Civil War. One piece of the original suit has now been found. In Spanish but Google Translate does the trick.
#space #astronaut #mars
La capa 'perdida' de Emilio Herrera: “Esto es lo único que nos queda del primer traje espacial de la historia”
“¿Dónde tenemos la capa con la que el bisabuelo quería viajar al espacio?”. Una pregunta como esta, o muy parecida, le traslada Selena Herrera a su madre en un céntrico piso madrileño, minutos antes de extraer una prenda brillante y de aspecto metáli…Antonio Martínez Ron (elDiario.es)
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