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Precisely 10 years ago, I received my first #Turris router from CZ.NIC.
Even after all these years the router still receives the latest software updates and can be even upgraded to support Wi-Fi 6.…

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

I just opened Mastodon to write about me considering a #turris as a main home router into new appartment (PPPoE).

And I remembered that I've got the exact same model as you do in Czech Republic and without any single manual action it's updating and serving my family back there.

I am nearly decided to get a new one for my new apartment.

in reply to Ondřej Kolín

@ondrejkolin I am using Turris Omnia as my main home router, now with Fiber-to-the-Living-Room (PtP link with PPPoE). The only issue I have is that with Cake congestion control, the hardware does not seem to be powerful enough to forward more than ~350 Mbps.
in reply to Ondřej Caletka

Should I go for the newest one which is Wi-Fi 6 capable (9k CZK) or the 2020 Model which is cheaper (7.2k CZK) and the Wi-Fi standards are slightly worse.

What do you think?

in reply to Ondřej Kolín

@ondrejkolin I don't think there's a big difference. I would buy the Wi-Fi 6 one, as it might be more future proof.
in reply to Ondřej Caletka

My Turris 1.1 is also still running fine, and also as a secondary network node. But sadly I just have a problem with the last 6.5 updates of TurrisOS.
My main router is Omnia and that works perfectly fine.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Btw have you ever experienced this strange android behavior?
I have set up two wifi networks on a single card - the main one and a guest one.
Lately I noticed the phone acts as if it's connected to the guest ssid, despite the guest network not being set there. The phone knows only the main network, not the guest one. Some Android bug? 🤷
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Or possibly both ssids having the same bssid (mac address). I am not sure if hostapd would even start with such a configuration but it could explain the device's confusion about ssid. Try to check if every wifi interface has a unique mac. Although it is only a guess.