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What would be really nice if #apple introduced a new outstandingly magical Bluetooth stack in #ios18 that actually works! :) It's really time for some innovation and disruption in the tech industry! :)
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to victor tsaran

It is being done. To a degree. The AirPods/Beats auto-switching and seamless pairing in the current crop of OSes is quite magical. So far, Apple has only been able to accomplish it when they control the entire stack on both nodes, however. For general third-party bluetooth devices? I don't know the tech well enough to guess at engineering feasibility.
in reply to Felyashono

@felyashono Yes, that is very much so, but is not as smooth for me, don’t know why. Also, connecting Braille displays is problematic, also intermittent issues with Meta glasses. :)