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mastodon - Link to source
daniel:// stenberg://
@shaknais I have no idea.The UI does not look like the Android in Volvos though.
in reply to Michele Adduci

@madduci now show-cased over here:… (at the bottom)
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@madduci I feel like you could turn that into a challenge: Who finds the oldest car that already has curl credits in?
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@shaknais the codeaurora-platform- stuff is qualcomm HAL code. We used it back in the Firefox OS days. If it isn’t android, then it’s at least the android linux hardware layer plus something on top.
in reply to kaia

@kaia it has to be provided somewhere yes, but not everyone does...
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@kaia a few days ago, I spent 15 minutes scrolling just to take this screenshot. Time well spent.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@kaia it is there, but somebody will likely have to abuse the scroll wheel for 15 minutes to find it. This page is veeeeery long.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@kaia I happen to be driving a new MINI, and they list every license in use. There's a section just for Open Source Compliance, good on MINI (BMW).
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://


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