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The #media is playing with fire again. What is this whole stuff about Trump winning the election against Biden if they were matched up again? I mean, on what basis would Trump win the election? OK, I get people are unhappy about inflation and such, but how would they expect Trump to fix any of it?

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to victor tsaran

Same reason Trump scored more votes in 2020 than in 2016, I guess.
in reply to victor tsaran

I agree with you, but then I never thought he would have gotten elected in 2016. The problem as I see it is that Trump can guarantee he'll get a certain number of votes. His devoted followers will definitely hit the poles to repel those godless Democrats. On the other side though, people may just stay home and not vote at all. An environmentalist may be frustrated that Biden hasn't done more, but they know Trump will do even less, so it's not like they're going to vote for Trump. They just may stay home, which is the same thing as letting Trump win.