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Happy Friday everyone! Hope you're staying warm!

To celebrate the weekend, here's the first release candidate (rc1) for #GoToSocial 0.13.0 Spider Sloth!

As always, please read the migration notes carefully when updating. If you find any bugs in the release candidate, kindly let us know on Github!

Release highlights below the line.

  • Create, view, and vote in polls. It's been a while in the making but GoToSocial now has support for polls, aka Question activity types. You can create, view, and vote in polls using your client of choice.
  • Show unsupported media placeholders in incoming posts, where media could not be downloaded (temporarily or otherwise). No more dropped media on posts! You'll instead now get a link to the media on the originating instance, that you can click through in your (mobile) browser.
  • Mute threads that you're being overwhelmed by. Notifications for replies, likes, and boosts in that thread will no longer be generated.
  • Media cleanup scheduling. Previously media scheduling took place every night at 12am. With the new media scheduling settings in the config, you can customize the schedule to run it at different times and frequencies.
  • Support for setting instance languages . You can use the new instance-languages setting to indicate one or more primary languages for your instance.
  • Support for language tags on posts. Language of posts is now correctly federated in and out of your instance. The language of posts is also shown on the web view of statuses and threads.
  • Gather and expose prometheus format metrics. You can now expose a /metrics endpoint to allow a Prometheus instance to scrape metrics about Go runtime memory usage, http request and database metrics, and more.