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#DoctorWho serial “The Caves of Androzani” was brilliant. I absolutely loved it. Great writing from Robert Holmes, great atmosphere, pacing & performances, great direction from Graeme Harper, and Peter Davison is on top form here. I’m sad it’s his final serial. Time for Dr no. 6.
in reply to Kam Latif

"Caves" is one of my favorite DW stories. It's one of those stories with a lot going on that would be interesting even without the Doctor and Peri. I'd love to see an Androzani spin-off series. Btw, if you like that type of story I recommend the audio story "Exotron" from Big Finish. Its music and sound layering is remarkably like a fifth Doctor adventure and it also has an interesting plot. Nicola Bryant does Peri so well that you'll think you were listening to a soundtrack of a lost fifth Doctor story. It's a three-parter; the one-part story that follows it is interesting but I didn't care for it. #DoctorWho