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The second time in a month my #ArchLinux laptop froze during update.
Always the same scenario. Sunday, I returned from trip, waked the laptop up from sleep, run yay -Syu, went to unpack, and then found laptop frozen.
I suspect #nvidia as it always is problem with their shitty driver.

So again:
1️⃣ disable secure boot
2️⃣ boot using arch netboot
3️⃣ unlock and mount root and efi drives
4️⃣ delete pacman lock files
5️⃣ reinstall all packages
6️⃣ reboot
7️⃣ enable secureboot
8️⃣ boot normally


in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

But this is what I love about #linux. These frack ups are always fixable. Thank to this I use the same arch installation since 2008... ❤️
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Everything is fixable on Linux, so you spend enormous amount time fixing it and it feels great after that, but you've wasted that time. You just know that's not fixable on Windows and give up and save that time. Hard decisions. 😂
in reply to Mac_CZ 🇦🇶

@Mac_CZ 😂 Yeah, you save time fixing stuff by wasting time on OS reinstallation. Much better 😄
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Well, usually it takes 1 hour to reinstall vs days/weeks fixing the stuff. But you'll get knowledge as reward. (That you'll forget immediately.)
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

I was having a similar frozing problems on with some versions of QubesOS, which is Fedora based. Fixed with installing kernel-latest package with a newer kernel version. It can inspire You to solve.
in reply to 🌹 𝐫𝐮𝐳𝐚 ✅:catjam: (eng🇬🇧)

I use latest stable kernel that Arch provides. This is probably really a nvidia problem. It fails to wake up from sleep mode properly from time to time.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)