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WCAG 2.2 removed SC 4.1.1, Parsing (Level A). I maintain that valid markup has important benefits despite no longer being required. We may find it possible to write good software without static analysis, construct a building without blueprints, or make an accessible website without validation. They remain good practices.

WCAG’s normative text describes outcomes, not how to achieve them. Validation is but one part of the process of achieving the necessary outcomes.

Let’s not interpret the removal of SC 4.1.1 as permission to ship known errors.

Originally posted on (POSSE). #accessibility #WCAG

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to Seirdy

Is validation even practical if one is using custom elements (a.k.a. Web Components)? I understand if you think those shouldn't exist, but they do now, and companies are using them.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Apparently the W3C Nu Validator supports web components custom elements.

Removing validation from WCAG seems wrong-headed to me. How can you guarantee accessibility without standards conformance? Testing on literally every browser and device isn’t feasible.