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Items tagged with: Accessibility

In-Process is out! This week featuring the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate, user Arthur’s Experience in Brazil, the new Synth Settings Ring commands, and a long piece on assigning new Input gestures / keystrokes. Check it out at:…

#Blog #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Newsletter #Accessibility

Freedom isn’t freedom if it’s only for abled people.

Then again, there’s a reason you don’t see the word “freedom” in “open source.”

And there’s a reason “share alike” is just one of the principles of Small Technology, alongside a non-colonial approach, inclusivity, and others. (…)

#openSource #ableism #foss #freedom #accessibility #a11y #inclusivity #SmallTech

Fedora: “The Fedora Quality Team is joining Week of Diversity with an Accessibility Test Week!

Much like other Test Days, the goal of this week is to put Fedora through its paces and catch as many accessibility related issues as we can for our disable users.”

Me: Fedora, your screen reader is broken.

Fedora guy: Patches welcome 👍

Me: *reaches for block button*

From the actually-what-you’re-referring-to-as-ableism-is-GNU/ableism department

#foss #a11y #accessibility #fedora #ffs

Background: It’s not just Fedora. Every Linux distribution that ships with Wayland by default – and that’s almost every major Linux distribution – ships with a broken/unusable screen reader at the moment.

(Read that again until it really sinks in. Yep. I know. Uh-huh. Really.)

#Linux #a11y #wayland #accessibility #screenReader

I don't know about you but I haven't memorized #WCAG. I got sick and tired of browsing google for answers. I thought that that maybe a good way to go is create a #gpt in the #gptstore. I am also work on a WCAG Reference ap(coming soon)

If you want to try it here is the link.

Feedback is welcome.…





I am a #blind developer who wants to learn more about #network technologies and #networking in general.
I know two tools for network simulation and learning: #ciscopackettracer and #GNS3.
But as I said earlier, I am totally blind and use #screenreader to access my computer.
So I have two questions: are there some screenreader users who have used one of mentioned tools and what was your experience?
And the second one: if there are people from #cisco or #gns development team, what is your official position regarding #accessibility for blind professionals?

p.s. If someone can recommend other known to be accessible for blind solutions for network simulations and learning I would be happy to read your responses.

#a11y #linux #askfedi

Awesome presentation about enhancing Linux accessibility by Lukáš Tyrychtr (@tyrylu) and Vojtěch Polášek! I found the screencast in the presentation to be especially insightful.……

#a11y #Accessibility #ScreenReader #Linux #DevConf_CZ #GNOME

After upgrading to systemd 256, I am unable to log into an X11 GNOME session, but I can log into a Wayland GNOME session. I remain hopeful that GNOME Accessibility will complete its Wayland transition within a reasonable time, so we won't have to fall back to X11 sessions to avoid accessibility bugs.
#GNOME #Linux #Wayland #X11 #accessibility

The Fedora Quality Team is joining Week of Diversity with an Accessibility Test Week!

Much like other Test Days, the goal of this week is to put Fedora through its paces and catch as many accessibility related issues as we can for our disable users. If you want to put your advocacy to action, consider participating!

The Accessibility Test Week runs from Jun 19-25, starting tomorrow.

Learn more:…

#Fedora #FedoraA11yTestWeek #FWD #Accessibility #a11y #Linux #OpenSource

lolol me: "I should really at least pick up the basics of writing NVDA addons some day. I believe there was an addon dev guide somewhere" *googles NVDA Addon Guide*

First result:…

First line on that page: "This page will be removed in 2021"

...oh! Wait...what year is it? Am I back in the pandemic? AW FORK! @NVAccess you might want to track down who posted this and actually get them to remove it, this looks a little sloppy :) #accessibility #nvda

Here's my latest update on Newton, the #Wayland-native, #Flatpak-friendly #accessibility project for the modern #FreeDesktop ecosystem, developed as part of @gnome and funded by @sovtechfund. It's not ready for production yet, but this blog post includes a demo video and links to GNOME OS and Flatpak runtime builds you can try. As a bonus, because I'm integrating #AccessKit into #GTK, GTK apps will finally have #a11y on Windows and macOS.…

I was curious about how much tickets would cost for the #Cricket world cup, so I clicked the "buy tickets" link on the schedule. I was immediately taken to a page where a #captcha is required to enter the "waiting room". Guess what? There is no non-visual alternative. Yay. Good thing I wasn't actually trying to buy. I guess they figure #blind people don't go to cricket matches right? #T20 #Icc #Accessibility #a11y #Ableism

Does anyone know an accessible installer for eclipse? That thing is crap! I will be grateful even for other managers of Java stuff. #java #eclipse #accessibility

Tell me you're a self-centered fuck who doesn't give two shits about other people's struggles without telling me...

via the Pale Moon browser's docs.


I'm using systemd-homed to manage my Linux home directory. By default, it stores the home directory in an encrypted BTRFS file system using LUKS, which is stored as a file in the underlying file system. Unfortunately, it takes a very long time to unmount when I shut down or reboot the machine. I found a bug report for this, and associated changes that were committed to systemd.

If the next version of systemd (recently released as version 256, and probably coming to Arch Linux soon) doesn't solve it, I'll have to investigate further. Perhaps I should encrypt the entire Linux file system and store the key in the TPM.
I don't want to have to type a password to decrypt the storage during the boot process, as I wouldn't have access to braille or speech output at that point.
#Linux #systemd #accessibility

I recently created a small Windows 11 installation alongside my existing Linux installation. I couldn't get the graphical Windows installer to do what I wanted - to create a partition in the free storage space, then install the operating system to it, and then use EFI System Partition that was already there.

I found a solution online, namely, to install Windows from the command line (with diskpart to create the partition, dism to write out the operating system from the WIM file, and bcdboot to place boot files into the EFI System Partition). The only problem I encountered was that I wasn't able to review the command prompt window with Windows Narrator. It read all of the command output, but the review commands didn't work for me, whether or not it was in scan mode. There may be a solution. I've only ever used Windows Narrator to install or set up the operating system, so I'm definitely not a Narrator expert.

I'm not a Windows system administration expert either, but I'm comfortable that I can delete and recreate it if needed. It's there primarily for testing purposes and for those situations in which Microsoft Office is the best pragmatic solution to a problem (although LibreOffice under Linux is undergoing accessibility improvements these days).
#accessibility #Windows #screenReaders #SystemAdministration

Hey people. I am not good with #introduction posts but let's see. My name is Arkadiusz, I am currently 22 years old and I am studying #chinese in #Milan, #Italy. I am passionate about #programming for #Apple platforms, as I am a huge fan of their hardware and software. I will be mostly writing and reading about #accessibility, #programming, #swift, #china and #chinese (in no particular order). Hit me up for any questions.

What I’d really like to have in #firefox is a tiny #AI that was only trained on company logos and common graphics used as buttons like play, close, love, more options, etc. and could do excellent OCR. If it’s a detailed photo I want a human alt text or a larger online model anyway. All I want Firefox to try and do is give me hints about unlabeled links and buttons. I don’t need it to describe random stock photos of cake used as a hero image or a thumbnail or whatever. I’d even go as far as saying if it doesn’t take mouse or keyboard input, don’t bother with it. #a11y #accessibility

An idea for anyone with the time and energy required to moderate anything, here it goes: a blog open to anybody to post guest entries where blind users can post about everyday things achieved using tech. I imagine everything going there: somebody reading the screen of a washing machine using OCR or LLM's, somebody trying to teach others a folk song in a foreign language by jotting the lyrics down in a notepad app on an Android smartphone which crashed due to a bug; trying and succeeding or failing to book train tickets... you get the idea. Make it variet, make it international, make it interesting, modern or retrospective. Goals: 1. To motivate each other and show what is possible and what still needs solutions; 2. To evaluate which of the many technologies flowing through the market actually ended up being used and for what purpose; 3. To create an archive not just of what was available in the past but what was actually in use by people; 4. Perhaps to showcase to the wider audiences that Accessibility is not just a dull requirement to satisfy and actually helps end-users. Any takers? #Accessibility #Blind

People who use screen readers! The level three headings are now removed from GitHub repository landing page file tables.

It might take a bit for the changes to propagate, and don't forget you might need to refresh your browser tabs. Please let me know if they still persist after that, and I'll try and get to the bottom of it. #accessibility

#JavaScript geeks

I'm working on a browser plugin. Is there a way to specify the width of a new window in em?

Like if your default font size is set larger than the browser's default I want my new window to be bigger to accommodate it.

Do i just have to create it with specific pixel dimensions and then have JS to resize it after its loaded ?


So I've finally been driven off of Microsoft edge and on to #Firefox. The #a11y work that's been done over the last few years really shows; it flies with #NVDA on my system. Also, syncing of tabs works better than on either Edge or Safari, and my tabs from other devices are actually in a reasonable place where I can find them. However, I really, really miss the automatic generation of #alttext that both Edge and Chrome have built-in. I know Firefox was going to make that a thing, but I believe the disgusting shrieking of folks against #AI even for #accessibility killed it. I do wish it was an addon, at least. There are a couple pages where I still need to go back to Edge to use them because the image links aren't labeled. Not using them isn't an option; bills gotta get paid. I also had to turn off all of the tracking protection stuff to get HCaptcha to work. Sadly, in a battle between privacy and accessibility, for me, accessibility *has* to win every time. While I'm enjoying the speed and slightly better access to certain parts of pages, I couldn't recommend it to average #blind users at this point. You have to change random settings to get some things to be #accessible, and you have to use another browser whenever alt-text is missing.

Hello all. This might be a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone in the #blind #vintage #tech spaces would know what dc jack the Braille 'N Speak took, specifically if the centre poll was negative or posative. I know there are 9v and 12v units. #accessibility

As expected, the Chromium intake person was unable to reproduce the issue (it may have been kit this time?), so I got 5 people to confirm and added a video:…

I really do hate how hard it is just to get a bug to get taken up.

I mean, I had to re-file this one because the original was closed due to not reading instructions:…

Anyway, thanks for those who helped.

#accessibility #a11y #Chrome

Got enough confirmation. Filed a Chromium bug:

Named regions with `tabindex` hide content from TalkBack…

Thanks all!

#a11y #accessibility

Chrome / TalkBack bug I first reported in 2020, and which was fixed for a time (?) appears to be back. Looking for confirmation before I file yet another one.

A named region with a `tabindex` does not expose its contents. Chrome / TalkBack only announces its accName and role.

I think I have an ugly workaround (“Shawarma” heading).

Test case:…

Similar to issue I filed earlier this month, which I limited to APG tab panels.

#accessibility #a11y

Good news, everybody!

Fix coming in v128, or 20 Aug 2024 (stable release), for this Chrome / TalkBack bug:

Named regions with `tabindex` hide content from TalkBack…

There are two related bugs that I am hopeful it will fix but no idea?

Anyway, file bugs. It’s the only way stuff has a chance to get fixed.

#a11y #accessibility

@FreakyFwoof I actually bought it and tried it. The app is a bit confusing to use and I could not initiate the connection without a sighted person’s help. I wrote to the company but so far only got the “we are sorry” response with no commitment to #accessibility as of this writing. It's best to use the drone outside as it needs quite a bit of room for most of its modes to work well. Great idea though!

I'm trying to collect what #XMPP clients are usable with screen readers.

weirdwriter recommended:
Windows: MirandaNG
iOS: Monal and Siskin,
Android Conversations is rumored to be decent.
Web: Conversejs

So does anyone else have experience with using jabber clients with screen readers on Android, OS X, or Linux? Does that match other screen reader users experiences?


#SwiftUI does a lot of amazing #accessibility work behind the scenes, AND you can still customize the experience to give your users the very best of your app! Check out
Tommy's talk: Catch up on accessibility in SwiftUI! #wwdc24…

Asking on behalf of a friend who is losing their vision: what screen reading software do you use?

Do me (and them) a favor and boost?

#ScreenReader #accessibility

In a thread yesterday it was made clear that disabled people who don't use something that we might call "assistive technology" are still covered by accessibility guidelines.

They might use:
- autofill / autocomplete
- predictive text
- zoom / text size
- high-contrast or forced colors
... there are more, I'm sure.

I feel like I need a name for this - like browser or OS "accommodations"? Do they already have a name? I'm trying to search for more similar uses.

Thank you!


Somehow, I feel like Braille Screen input on the iPhone is even *faster*! Like, much more responsive.

#wwdc #accessibility #blind

Anyone know the repo where I can start filing #Accessibility failures in Jitsy Meet mobile for iOS? Would love to move my team to it for meetings but we're blind and they are less tech savvy than I am. When can I be tired?

shrug. I think honestly these days you need both. Certain apps work fantastic on iPhone and garbage on Android, and other times its the exact opposite. Use Telegram? Probably want ANdroid. Use the arlo smart home app? Probably iPhone. Invested in the Google ecosystem? That'll be Android. Oh, you wanted to access something on an iCloud backup from five years ago? Yeah, that's an iPhone. Do you use a mac for work? iphone. Do you use Windows for work? Probably Android if you want to link it to Windows. Do you like mobile but just can't stand VoiceOver for some reason? Android has multiple screen readers so pick one. With everything going app-first or even app-only these days the reality very quickly becomes that if you want to do all the things, you need more than one phone. That's what #accessibility is, now.

I maintain a CLI application and I’m wondering about accessibility. What does an accessible CLI look like? What sort of patterns are good or should be avoided? Any good examples out there? Or research papers?

I have some ideas, but I’d prefer to learn from others first.

#accessibility #programming #softwaredevelopment

Anybody else running #iOS 18 beta with VoiceOver experiencing a crash as soon as opening VoiceOver settings>speech? I was thinking it was because I use ESpeak, but uninstalling it didn't seem to fix it. #Apple #VoiceOver #Accessibility

Very amused to note that we can now use the personal voice created last year or newly created personal voice with Voiceover. Kinda sounds terrible though. There is a few seconds of delay on my iPhone 14 Pro

#accessibility #a11y #WWDC24