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Items tagged with: Accessibility

Learn how to use the macOS Terminal with VoiceOver in our free, interactive course!
Starting 2 weeks from tomorrow!!!
🔹 Master terminal navigation
🔹 Use your Mac with just text
🔹 Improve command-line accessibility skills
💡 This course is FREE while it's running! After completion, it will become a paid course.
📅 Sign up now:…
Don't miss out on this opportunity!
#FreeCourse #Accessibility #VoiceOver #MacOS #Terminal #BlindTech

no android switch if I can’t find a client that supports gts whole char limit. Open to suggestions. #GoToSocial #Android #apps #accessibility

In #Linux, #opensource, #foss communities is #accessibility considered a priority?

It's not a rhetorical or ironic question. I ask this because in the past I have struggled to find #speechtotext apps on Linux while on #macos it is pre-installed.

Interesting breakdown of how Google has gone off the accessibility rails, among other rails, while also framing some common corp methods for reframing needs into revenue streams.…

Original post for following:…

#a11y #accessibility

Thank You For Your Feedback Loop is a monthly newsletter that will share previously unpublished reporting and analysis on the elite capture of disability movements.

The first post, "The Rise and Fall of Access" is available now.…

#accessibility #DEIA #DEI

Thank You For Your Feedback Loop is a monthly newsletter that will share previously unpublished reporting and analysis on the elite capture of disability movements.

The first post, "The Rise and Fall of Access" is available now.…

#accessibility #DEIA #DEI

Sensitive content

We're speaking to the CEO of Kapsys shortly for an interview to air on Double Tap next week. Do you have questions for the company? We'll be primarily discussing their new KapX headset announced at CES but it will be a wide-ranging discussion of their overall product portfolio. #blind #accessibility #tech

In-Process is out, featuring:
- The NV Access 2025 Roadmap
- Thanks to our sponsors
- Corporate support with Benevity
- our new VPAT & Multiple key press timeout.

Read it all here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Support #CorporateGiving #VPAT #Blog #News #Newsletter

Naturally, the best thing to do was to try #Tapestry for myself. I added my Mastodon account and here's what I found:
1. Each post requires between 9 and 11 swipes to read with #VoiceOver. This can be reduced to 6 or 7 swipes per post in the collapsed timeline view, and 4 or 5 in the "mini" view. But the last of these doesn't include the text of posts.
2. Each post has three VoiceOver actions: the standard "Activate", "Open original", and "View details". "Activate" doesn't seem to do anything, "View details" opens a modal screen with similar info as on the timeline entry itself, and "Open original" opens the post on the Mastodon instance in a webview.
3. As you may've inferred from point number 2, you can't post, repost, reply, like, or bookmark from this app. You can mark a timeline entry, but that seems specific to the app and doesn't do anything on Mastodon.
4. There's a "Menu" button on each entry which has a few more buttons that aren't present as VoiceOver actions (e.g. "Translate" and "Share").

Right now, this is a no from me. The #accessibility is not good, and I can't really conceive an idea of reading my Mastodon timeline without interacting with any of the content in it.

This is an effort to make my career illegal.

“The new memo claims that it will target private sector DEIA initiatives for potential ‘criminal investigation.’”

#a11y #accessibility

The following happens all too often. I just tried using the cool new app from called Le Chat. I was able to sign in, but this is where accessibility ended. Can't even start the basic chat.… How can developers totally be ignorant about #accessibility these days? This state of affairs does get depressing at times. We put so much energy into building tools, education, awareness and what do we get back? Of course, I left a rereview. (1/2)

Accessibility and Gen AI podcast, Episode 5, with Ed Summers, Head of Accessibility, GitHub (my boss)… #accessibility #a11y #ai #podcast #github

#NextCloud #accessibility is highly impacted by this thing that seems very small. What they did is they removed (!) the Copy Public Link from the context menu in their File Explorer integration. I don't know who to call, but I'm pretty sure we need to create more noise in there. I'm thinking about starting a petition. Please join me!… // CC @nextcloud

AGAIN, I must complain about bugs being camera shy! Every time you want to record them, they scuttle away as to not let you show evidence of their existence... 😤😡

#Accessibility Testing is hard.

🤔Is Google Lighthouse an industry accepted standard for assessing #accessibility?
❌No it's a tool that automates testing of a subset of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2 Standard

30% auto testable
70% manual evaluation

Experimented yesterday with Fedora’s KDE spin… I was shocked by the level of accessibility, although it wasn’t perfect. My primary issues with it were that I had to use a lot of Orca’s navigation commands to read panels in the systems settings app, and I had major issues with Konsole, the default terminal app. I wasn’t able to read any of the information in that particular apps interface using Orca. I also tried the Fedora workstation edition, which uses Gnome as it’s a desktop environment. Let’s just say that was not worth my time. Had accessibility issues there as well, and surprisingly it was worse than the experience I had with KDE. I know KDE defaults to Wayland, as does Gnome, but KDE’s accessibility implementation seems to be a lot better than what Gnome has under Wayland, with the exceptions I’ve previously mentioned. Incidentally, the X 11 experience with Gnome is actually worse now than it was previously. For example, the terminal app does not even open for me. I should also note that all this is under Fedora 41, so people aren’t confused. #A11Y #Accessibility #Blind #Experiments #Linux #Fedora41 #KDePlasma #Gnome #Wayland #X11

Be wary when adding additional context only for #screenReader users. An example:

Say you're working on an e-commerce site, and some products have two prices to show how great a sale discount is. The before and after is made visually apparent via some aspect of text formatting, and you want to make it explicit for screen reader users too.

The first step is to ask if this is necessary. If a user encounters two consecutive prices and one is lower than the other, they may intuitively understand what's going on without any explicit signposting, and can verify how much they're gonna pay during the checkout process. Only your users can provide this verdict.

If it's determined that some additional context is helpful, you could format it as something like: "Was $14.99, now $8.99" (optionally swapping the prices). It's short and punchy in braille and speech, perfectly descriptive of the situation at hand, and mirrors how it may be spoken out loud on an ad.

Resist the temptation to go further than this. You do not need to say "original price: $14.99, current sale price: $8.99". This is much longer and more verbose, while adding nothing. It also implies that you think screen reader users need to be told what a price is and explained the concept of a sale, even though you're not doing so for other audiences.

You also don't need to spell out the word "dollars", format the price in words, repeat the product name, and so on. If you find yourself with screen-reader-only text like: "The current price of 500 Grams of Premium Oolong Tea was fourteen dollars and ninety-nine cents, and is now on sale for eight dollars and ninety-nine cents", it has gone way too far.

In short: Set out to identify the problems that actually need solving, and only solve those problems.


Does this seem like appropriate markup for a DHL notification email?

title="Rich Text Editor, GREETING"
aria-label="Rich Text Editor, GREETING"


New post: “Which VoiceOver?”…

Just because something behaves a certain way in VoiceOver doesn’t mean it behaves that way in VoiceOver.

#a11y #accessibility

Not super-amazing and yet amazing I was searching for a restaurant on Google Maps using iOS, etc. The screen came up and on it there was a photo of the menu. No problem: tap to display the photo in full view, then ask Siri, "does this place serve juices, or whatever, and booms! An answer from ChatGPT does the rest. You can even ask follow-up questions. Just awesome! #accessibility #ai !

Oof, all this Linux distro hopping I've been doing lately... Currently running Linux Mint with the Mate desktop, but it has some accessibility issues that make it rather annoying to use for certain things. First, there's the issue where Tuba just doesn't want to read out posts to me via Orca, using Dino as an XMPP client is worse from an accessibility perspective & attempting to check some boxes in the Mullvad VPN settings just plain doesn't work while using Orca. I've also tried Fedora 41 with Mate, and that's better accessibility-wise, and I've even tried Ubuntu itself with the Mate desktop, with somewhat better accessibility results. At least I solved the issue of getting video to display on my TV here in the living room, so a 1920x1080 display on a 65 inch TV (I could go as high as 3840x2160 on the TV as it's a 4K TV, but having tiny ass text is just meh...). Going to continue experimenting, and hopefully I can find a distro that will make me happy. Sorry for the long post, but felt like sharing my Linux experiences as a blind person with the fediverse at large. #Linux #DistroHopping #Experimentation #A11Y #Accessibility #Blind #LinuxMint #Fedora #Ubuntu

Promised I'll be dropping in with examples of good #A11y in different countries and then I broke the promise. Coincidentally, I was asked to fill in a survey where one of the questions was about this very subject so I'll share one of the examples I gave there. In Austria, the qualified electronic signature is one of the state e-government services. A tool was built to allow screen reader users to insert their e-signature into any PDF document. The signature can be both visible and / or just a digital finger print, possible to verify through a qualifying verification tool. The visible signature can be inserted in one of three ways: 1. You place it right at the end of the document. If there's place enough, it should land in the line below the last one where there is content, otherwise, a new page is created. 2. The provider of the document can first place a QR code at a place in the document they choose, then the signee can replace this QR code with their own signature. 3. The provider of the document can determine coordinates in pixels where the signature should be placed and the signee enters them on their side to place the signature. #Accessibility #Austria #Blind

Be a Dolphin not a Shark: Using cooperation over conflict to advance digital accessibility (Paris Web)

Lainey shares "share stories and strategies from 3 decades of accessibility convincing with public and private organizations"…

#a11y #accessibility #ParisWeb

I'm trying to find out if Star Trek DS9 was ever audio described. Does anyone know? If so, would love a copy. I think pretty much all of the other series are, except I'm not sure about Enterprise, but I don't care for that series anyway. #StarTrek #AudioDescription #Accessibility

One has to go forever: Email, Smart Assistants, or Smart phones—which one are you ditching and why? 🤯 #TechDebate #Accessibility

My 2nd @fosdem talk was Alternative Text for Images: How Bad Are Our Alt-Text Anyway?…

It is available online:…

#FOSDEM #FOSS #AI #LLM #AltText #Accessibility

Paraphrasing "Take your alt text, run it through an AI image generator. Does it even vaguely match your image? If not, it is bad alt text!"

(A not entirely unserious proposition by @mgifford )

#fosdem #accessibility

Nice to hear that @MozillaAI has an #AltText ##LLM but I can't seem to find it here #accessibility

The greatest Game Jam Ever (In my very biased opinion!) Has begun! It's a month long, so plenty of time to join and challenge yourself to make the best blind accessible game you can!
#blind #GameJam #Gamedev #accessibility…

Whoa! Watch out, Altiverb! Seventh Heaven really just might surpass it not only with its superior engine and amazing sound quality (not that Altiverb wasn't good), but complete interface #accessibility thanks to Juce. Great to see a true stand-out among high-end reverbs get such a complete accessibility treatment. Liquid Sonics is most definitely getting my money.

IC_Null's hitting the big stage. I'm pleased to announce I'll be presenting at #RSACon 2025 this year, talking about #accessibility in #cybersecurity. #RSAC #RSAC2025

I'd really love people to stop using JSFiddle for their #accessibility demos. Its interface is abismal, and it prompts me to either add an exception to my adblocker or sign up for some paid thing every time I use it. All so I can view some HTML someone wrote.

JIT isn't just for games! I just ran Arch Linux, with sound, on my iPhone! I used VoiceOver screen recognition to read the screen, then used espeak once I got that installed. I couldn't figure out how to enable Speakup, so I'll leave that for future me to tinker with. I'd be curious to know if any other blind people have used UTM, on the Mac maybe, and have some Windows VM's or a Windows install ISO that talks. I can probably only handle up to Windows 7 or so on this iPhone. But it would be cool to see if it's possible!

#linux #UTM #iPhone #iOS #sideload #ALTSTORE #archLinux #blind #accessibility

The US Web Design System has deleted it's info on inclusive design, in response to the 2025-01-20 Executive order "Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing".…

If you know anyone who used those resources, let them know about the Inclusive Design principles:…

#accessibility #a11y #inclusion

Samsung S25 Ultra demo unit observations:
1. Ships with TalkBack 15.1 out of the box.
2. Interestingly, Samsung TalkBack lacks an option to enable or disable Gemini’s online image descriptions, yet the "Describe Image" command works, suggesting it's enabled by default. The TalkBack tutorial even includes an image sample and usage instructions.
3. The default US English female Samsung voice sounds more natural, clearer, and less depressed compared to my S24 Ultra experience.
4. Face detection in the Samsung Camera app remains unchanged, meaning the camera experience still falls short of the Pixel Camera app for accessibility as it doesn't offer object detection or Auto image capturing.
5. Accessibility volume is improved—better bass and clarity than the S24 Ultra—but still lacks the full, rich Media volume quality screen reader users deserve. Some odd frequency shifts persist.
6. Scrolling long lists still lags, as expected with TalkBack.
7. Holding the Side button opens a menu with options like "Ask about the current item," "Ask Gemini," "Talk with Gemini Live," and "Ask a question"—seemingly a blend of Bixby and Gemini.
#Android #Accessibility

Does anyone know an accessible apps with VoiceOver on MacOS that teaches you how to type? I'm not sure if it's a Correlation with usage of mobile devices, but I started getting blind students in college who don't know how to type! #accessibility

Someone plays music in the background during a meeting. They ask if it's bothering people. Neurotypical folks on the call quickly speak up and say it's fine.

The autistic person on the call (me):

1. has extreme difficulty participating in or even following the meeting due to the inability to separate foreground from background noise

2. experiences distress from sensory overload

3. spends the whole meeting stressing over how to bring it up in a side channel without taking the wrong tone and offending the person due to social communication difficulties

4. questions whether it should even be brought up, or if they're just being "too sensitive" due to a lifetime of conditioning to treat their own needs as invalid just because they're aren't "typical"

Meanwhile, no one on the call even realizes something is wrong or that the autistic person just got screwed over, completely by accident.
