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Items tagged with: Accessibility

Who needs Project 2025 when The Donald could be so easily swayed to return us to 1925, halfway through the forced sterilization of 30,000 Americans in the eugenics program that influenced the Nazis.

“My Uncle Donald Trump Told Me Disabled Americans Like My Son ‘Should Just Die’”…


I normally don't do this, but I did a risky thing and installed iOS 18 public beta on my primary (and only) iPhone. I've only been using it for a few hours, but I have to say I'm quite impressed. Regarding braille screen input, aside from the new features, it just feels a lot snappier and more reliable. I haven't had it lag, fail to handle contracted input correctly, etc. like I saw in prior versions. Everything else feels pretty snappy and solid too. I've filed a couple of VoiceOver bugs, but they're mostly obscure things I can work around or avoid. Time will tell, but so far, this feels like a really solid release. And many of you know I don't give that kind of praise lightly. :) #accessibility

You cannot befriend and date people who are neurodivergent and/or disabled with the expectation that they will behave neurotypically and/or able-bodied. I don't think people truly grasp how ableist and damaging that is.

Sooo many people think this entails accepting abuse or severe incompatibility, when what it actually entails is learning about your loved one's neurodivergencies, hearing them out when they explain to you what they need, and adjusting how you interact with them + how you navigate certain situations based on this knowledge with the mutual goal of maintaining a healthy, harmonious relationship.

If you refuse to adjust in any regard, then don't insist on befriending and dating neurodivergent and/or disabled people. It's not fair to them or you, and it's also extremely unrealistic.

People act like compromise is the worst thing ever or is inherently toxic, when it's literally essential for maintaining relationships, ESPECIALLY if both parties are multi-intersectional and have neurodivergencies and/or disabilities that contrast.

It's not in-tune with reality at all to treat everybody the same way because not everybody is the same.

-- CherryMewnCake, 2022 (Facebook)

#Disability #disabled #accessibility #activism

Being #OpenSource has many advantages. For #NVDA has opened the way for community contributions, and has enabled #transparency, #security and #innovation beyond what might have been possible in closed software. Increasingly, governments are also mandating the use of open source. Here is an article on such a step forward in Switzerland:

"Switzerland Makes Open Source Software Mandatory For Public Sector"…

#FOSS #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #Software #News

One Year of Accessible Android: Empowering the Blind Community Together… #Android #Accessibility #Anniversary #Introduction

Derek attributes his experience with NVDA instrumental to his career success and since working at Google has found numerous ways to improve accessibility, both internally and externally.

"A product built by the community, for the community, is better than one built by some company, simply because the community is in charge of what goes into it." - Derek Riemer

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

GitHub has released an insightful article to accompany the documentary shared earlier showcasing NVDA, OSARA, & REAPER. The article interviews NVDA co-founders, Mick Curran & Jamie Teh, as well as Derek Riemer, who has used NVDA since 2011. Derek has contributed to NVDA itself & written over 20 add-ons. He also now works as a software engineer at Google.

Find the full article (& short documentary) here:….
#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

The folks at TPGuy have finally made a Firefox extension for ARC Toolkit:…

I installed it yesterday. Nothing has caught fire. Appears to work as I recall it on Chrome.

#accessibility #a11y

Now change #accessibility for #inclusion... and we have the exact same model we have relied on for #DEI efforts. Where the majority of the burden and responsibility is often placed on folks from marginalised groups to advocate, work and fight for inclusive and egalitarian practices over and over again.

#accessibility is everyone's responsibility.
Continuously placing the onus on disabled folks to change and/or fix inaccessible or otherwise exclusionary systems will not help us achieve disability justice.
Not only this deflects responsibility but places unrealistic expectations on folks, leading to further burnout, marginalisation/exclusion, and lack of empathy towards inclusive access needs.

Case you didn't notice... In #iOS18 it is now possible to type six dots when using #braille onscreen keyboard all at the same time. For example, if you want to type the grade2 abbreviation for the word "for". Happy to see it finally working, but I now have to change all my old habits! :) #accessibility

Is anyone aware of a talking watch that announces time in a rounded, less precise format than the standard hours and minutes? For example, "half past 2" when it's 2:28, "a quarter past 1" when it's 1:16, and so on? This is for someone with #dementia who's struggling to comprehend an analog watch face, or make the link between numbers on a digital display and the actual time. #accessibility #blind

Some of you have been asking us about the #remoteIncidentManager integration with @AiraVI and what this means for pricing. Good news, no changes whatsoever!
Receiving assistance through RIM itself is completely free, in fact, if all you plan to use RIM for is receiving help, you need not even register an account! Therefore, receiving help from an Aira agent incurs no extra cost to your Aira plan!

Something you may not have realised is right-handed: playing cards.

When you pick up a card with your dominant hand and add it to the front of a card you're holding in your non-dominant hand, you create a fan towards your dominant hand.

Standard playing cards have a small version of the number and suit in two corners so that you can see them no matter which way up the card is, *as long as they're fanned right*, and many modern card games follow suit (ha!) without thinking, for the convention or aesthetic

Consider mirroring important summary information in both left and right corners (Ticket to Ride does a great job putting the suits in both corners while maintaining the pleasant asymmetrical feel of having them in one)

It's admittedly only a tiny accessibility issue, but it IS an accessibility issue, so have think about it.

#GameDev #Accessibility #a11y #TableTop #CardGames #BoardGames

If you or someone you love (or even vaguely tolerate) is using #accessiBe, perhaps send them this information about the class action lawsuit against accessiBe for lying about its #overlay:…

#accessibility #a11y

Wow, in #nvda, you can now press NVDA+ctrl+escape to enable/disable screen curtain. #accessibility #blind

Newsflash: other people exist!

For the love of God, don’t block the sidewalk for wheelchair users and people with strollers or suitcases or whatever. Some massive main character syndrome on display here.

#frustration #antisocial #ableism #accessibility

Today at 13:55 MDT (19:55 UTC), my colleague Georges Stavracas will talk about bringing accessibility back to WebKitGTK:…

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #igalia #accessibility #webkit #a11y

not going to lie, one of the worst side effects of #WCAG has been the obsession with reading the tea leaves of what a particular SC means (many of these written almost 20 years ago), which SC to fail things under, and generally an obsession (from industry/product owners) to satisfy WCAG ... rather than focusing on actual #accessibility (which often goes beyond WCAG, or involves things that simply fall between SCs, or are just "best practice" rather than hard fails). but it is what it is... #a11y

In-Process is out! Featuring all the news on NVDA 2024.3 Beta 4, the add-on update notification feature in NVDA 2024.3, thanks to Intopia (& all our corporate sponsors) and a look at jumping between paragraphs! Check it out here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #ThankYou #Intopia #Navigation #Beta #Prerelease #FOSS #Software #blog

An #Uber driver refused to transport me from the Cosmopolitan Hotel to the airport on my way home from the #DisabilityIn conference because I am blind! I have already reported the discrimination with Uber. I am also reporting the incident to the Las Vegas Police Department and I will also be contacting the NV Attorney General's Office. Does anyone have any other ideas on how I can call additional attention to this incidet so we reduce the likelihood of it's being repeated? #accessibility #blind

@TinaSohl That's nice. I'm glad the right thing was finally done, though it should have been accessible from the very beginning. Wondering how long it'll be until a task-blocking #accessibility regression gets introduced because they're still not shifted far enough left on accessibility.

My main instance is down, and I am unsure if it will return, so I cannot transfer my followers, so boosts would be helpful! I am a Blind Romance writer, #Accessibility advocate, and more! I do a lot of digital community work and love reading audiobooks. I still do penpals, the snail mail way! I detest #AI but love eating international candy! #Introduction #Introductions

Congratulations to our newest NVDA Certified Expert, Victor-Daniel Dima!

If you'd like to become an NVDA Certified Expert, you can sit the exam for FREE here:

(There is a cost to receive the certificate, with all money helping keep NVDA free for all!)

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Certification #Qualification #Study #AmStudying #Exam #Leadership #Technology

SOme of you may have heard of a little podcast called Bare Knuckles & Brass Tacks. I'll be providing an interview to those folks tomorrow together with the CSO of an #accessibility related company to talk about the state of #accessibility in #cybersecurity. Any particular questions anyone has, please send them my way so Ican try to include them :) #infoSec

Does anyone know of a good alternative to sway notification center? The notifications list has become annoying to use recently, and the dev doesn't know how to fix the accessibility issue. I know about ednc-mode in emacs, but that's not exactly ideal. I'd like something I can open with a binding and view a list of notifications. I've tried to use xfce4-notifyd which does work, but because the notification is a window, focus keeps getting jumped to it every time there's a new notification, which also isn't ideal. #Linux #accessibility

Okay, folks, how do y'all use TikTok with VoiceOver? Trying to figure it out but all I've discovered thus far has been (metaphorical) pain and suffering. Any assistance appreciated.

PS: is #accessibility given any sort of priority over there? If so, any leads on people to contact would be great.

#Blind #BlindMasto #BlindMastodon #BlindFedi @mastoblind @main

Loving this new #computer so far! It took a little setup and help from my mom, but now that it's set up, it's working great! It really flies with 32 gb #RAM. For now I've decided to keep #Windows11 on it because I'm applying to take an digital #accessibility analyst course where they seem to want you using either #Windows or a #Mac. I was also more productive with Windows in some ways because of #JAWS features like split Braille. I do miss the #commandLine though. Windows and Windows #screenReaders have so many keyboard shortcuts that I struggle to remember them, and I found the #commandLine a lot easier. Also, my mom panicked when I talked about putting #Linux on this computer. She said every time I've put Linux on a computer, it broke, and I didn't have an argument against that. She also pretty much said I'd be on my own if I put Linux on this one and it broke. I am thinking about dual booting if that can be done #accessibly or creating an #ArchLinux #virtualMachine.
It's about 1:30 AM here, and I have a procedure for injections in my head and neck to help with headaches and neck pain around noon, so I should really be getting to bed, but I find new #tech so hard to walk away from. Can anyone relate?
#accessibility #technology #blind

Haven’t seen the update and already feeling sad that there were #accessibility regressions. Why did Marco have to rewrite the app in the first place? Ah, restless developer's mind! :)

@weirdwriter I just hope he keeps the #accessibility intact. I sort of don't care for speed. It's already fast as is! :)

Any #Google docs/sheets fans who can use them productively with a screen reader? Please share any tips. I know it can be done, but personally I think it's very annoying to use especially on Mac. Usually, I grudgingly participate, but a disability related working group I just joined uses Google docs/sheets to collaborate. Is there any other alternative solution for document collaboration that's more accessible? #accessibility #ScreenReader #GoogleDocs

It’s an incredibly busy time when a developer releases a rewritten app that they’ve been working on for a long time. All software has bugs, so developers hit that Publish button and hold their breath for the feedback.
Nevertheless, Marco has already published an update of the rewritten @overcastfm build to Test Flight which addresses the most critical VoiceOver regressions. That was quick work and I wanted to say a public “thank you”.
There are Indie developers who care about #accessibility, and when we find them, we can work with them differently from, say, a faceless corporation that won’t engage and who insist that we wait our turn.
Although there are some growing pains which are being dealt with rapidly, I’m feeling positive about the future of Overcast because the hard work has been done to put infrastructure in place that sets the app up for a sustainable future with new features. I tell you, if we ever get the ability to select a bunch of episodes and delete them in one go, I’ll do a very happy dance.
So, thanks again Marco and thanks to the indie developers who single-handedly do the coding, the marketing, the PR and the tech support.

#DisabilityIN The Evinced CEO referred to the W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Working Group as one of the three pillars of creating accessible content. Using it can guarantee “100% accessibility”.

#accessibility #a11y

#DisabilityIN Very quick demonstration of Microsoft Accessibility Insights run against the Disability:IN home page only. Found no issues! Applause from audience. I *think* the “Needs review” tab listed two issues.

#accessibility #a11y

#DisabilityIN Luncheon Plenary: “Nothing About Us Without Us: Accessibility Innovation, Leadership, and Impact”

Microsoft’s CAO discussed one challenge of #accessibility is non-practitioners creating accessible content. She talked about advances in tooling to solve that, using this slide.


A recap: We've covered a number of things on this channel so far, from an @elementary review to a look at code editors, datascience tools, screen readers, hacking tools like Burp Suite and platforms like TryHackMe, all from a screen raeder user's perspective. I'm only just getting started though, intending to cover a wide variety of different things, from more #FOSS tools, audio/video editing, programming and hacking tools etc.
Today's stream will be more #tryHackMe content, with a look at #HackTheBox Academy next week. Anyone who wants this kind of feedback, and doesn't mind constructive, but thorough, feedback, come talk to me :) We'll be going live today at 3 PMeST over at https;// and #infoSEc #cybersecurity #accessibility #selfPromo #twitch #youtube #streaming

I wrote about how Dungeons & Dragons helped me learn how to write alt text. #accessibility…