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First version of my badges page is up!

lmk if your site has a badge that you want included. no guarantees.

in reply to Seirdy

Since this isn’t 1999 I scaled them up by 2x with pixelated (nearest-neughbor) rendering using CSS so you can actually read them.
in reply to Seirdy

psst…you should make an 88x31 badge for your personal site.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

One thing I learned when making an 88x31 badges page: it is actually a really good example of one of the few times you should keep #AltText generally short.

When you have dozens of tiny badges on a page, it should be easy to skim them the same way it is for a sighted user. It shouldn’t take an hour to finish reading the page.

This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

perhaps one or two exceptionally detailed badges would warrant an aria-describedby (or aria-details :xenia_think:) attribute though. I might add one to’s badge
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Seirdy

Curious for your thoughts: would they need alt text more than just the site they link to/the text on them?
in reply to Orangestar

@orangestar depends. Usually it should visually describe the image but on a page with dozens of badges it could be fine to cut some corners.
in reply to Seirdy

How the hell did we settle on 88x31 for these things? It's a weird size.

(I have a lot of them on my site, though!)

in reply to Space Catitude 🚀

NetScape made a badge for “NetScape Now” which was remixed and parodied. It’s why so many use NetScape colors.

As to why NetScape chose this size, I have no idea.

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Athena L.M.

The pixels will look twice as small as other badges on any badge-collection page. I suggest going all the way with an SVG (c.f. my Creative Commons badge which has an SVG with PNG fallback for clearnet users) or embracing the pixel-art-look of 88x31.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Seirdy

yea but I have neither artistic skills nor any idea for a logo other than my already existing profile picture which doesn't seem like it would downsample well
in reply to Athena L.M.

@alilly Hmm. Maybe your name with your favorite font and background that samples colors from your avatar? I’ll see if I can whip something together. Do you have a font preference?
in reply to Seirdy

Earnest shitpost submission:

Alt: The phrase "badge badge" rendered in the pixelated style of a Windows 95 button.

in reply to Eric

@eric when i read this i immediately thought “Costco Wholesale” idk why