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Seems like at #fdroid we started to tackle a problem which I personally also encountered, but never found a good solution in my head: the distinction between F-Droid (the repository of FOSS apps) and F-Droid (the client for repositories of android apps). See (thanks @uniqx for bringing it up)

It basically the #NamingThingsIsHard problem, you always have in technology

in reply to j.r / Julian

I started referring to F-Droid (the software, usually the client) vs (the infrastructure and the repository) while I was still actively contributing. But yes, emphasizing the distinction is important.
in reply to Bubu :progress_pride:

@Bubu I've tried that for a while. It kind of works but, hardly ever did people pick up on the notion that I'm referring to distinctly different things. The major association there is, F-Droid is an app, is the website of the app.