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Our DM is experimenting with giving us players more free rein to suggest aspects about the world and especially stuff that concerns our characters. He's finding it's more fun for him if he gets to enjoy what other people add to the story.

I think it's fantastic, but it's difficult to foster that approach in #DnD. It's not really built for it. Of course, at this point the version of "D&D" we are playing is so homebrewed and tweaked that it's eventually not going to qualify as the same game.

in reply to Artemis

And this is maybe #WotC's biggest vulnerability now. Even people who play D&D almost exclusively are often really playing a game that they and their friends have customized and tailored to themselves.

Trying to force things digital would mean forcing people to play the game "as is", and I'm not sure that's what most dedicated gaming groups want.

in reply to Artemis

I wish they'd just be content to sell books with cool, creative content instead of trying to somehow gain control over the *game* itself.

You can own the license to publish official D&D content. You *cannot* own D&D.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)