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#ElevenLabs is giving us more ridiculous toys to play with. Sound-effects generation, so I asked it to give me the sound of dropping your keys down a huge well with glass at the bottom, and uh...
in reply to Andre Louis

By generation 5 it got a bit bored and decided to imagine the sound of dropping your well down a huge key with glass at the everywhere.
in reply to Talon

@talon Yes. I say if your keys are that heavy, then you have some big-ass amazing keys.
in reply to Andre Louis

Indeed. That's why it dropped the well. Not the keys. 😂
in reply to Talon

I wonder what it would make of a cat very enthusiastically driving a rally car around the inside of a living room.
in reply to Talon

@talon Do you not have paid eleven labs to try it? If not, I can give it such a prompt and find out.
in reply to Andre Louis

Hmm. I do have eleven but I can't seem to find that option. Maybe I don't have a high enough tier?
in reply to Talon

@talon I'm on the $22, maybe it's rolling out slowly. I'll put that through, let's see what it does, because I'm curious.
in reply to Andre Louis

it still asks me to join the waitlist on the page.
in reply to Andre Louis

I am almost underwhelmed, though if I were making a horror production of any kind, game, audio, I certainly would have the material for it now. Also it really sounds like it tried to make a weird car cat hybrid. And that... is a very, very strange image.
in reply to Talon

@talon Yeah. I bet when you get it, the prompt will return entirely different things. You have 300 chars to feed it, so perhaps the longer the prompt, the better? Will definitely be investigating this more for sure.
in reply to Andre Louis

So the genereated audio takes up as many characters as the prompt is, or is it billed in a different way? So if I give it a 300 character prompt, will it take 300 characters from my existing plan?
in reply to Talon

@talon Yeah I think that's how it is, so it'd be as if you generated 300 characters of text to speech.
in reply to Talon

@talon This particular result was very boring but others have proven far less so.
in reply to Andre Louis

LOL, number 2 is a real smasher! LOL. And number 5 is quite the character as well. ☺️