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New podcast with my wife, and more to come, the next time I can persuade her to sit behind a microphone again.

#StroongeCast E01: Will You Peel My Orange?


in reply to Andre Louis

As of today, #StroongeCast is now available in Apple Podcasts and as of this evening because I'm stubborn and didn't want to give up until I fixed it, Spotify as well.



This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Andre Louis

what was Spotify's bief?
I lack the voice and tools and time and all sorts to be a regular 'caster these days, but I do like keeping up with the literature on what can and doesn't work.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I had to include <itunes:owner> tags in things.
Spotify, the absolute bloody useless tool *only* said 'waaa, sorry, email is missing.'
I go looking for the correct tag which is <itunes:email>, I add it.

I then go snooping through some other rss feeds and find out that adding itunes:name above email, and then ending the encapsulating </itunes:owner> made stuff work...
Well why didn't you say so sooner you sack of specially-slow soap suds!

in reply to Andre Louis

@cachondo I'd rso much rather stick to music, not php, but I feel damn good because I got it done. It's utterly meaningless code for a prop but I feel like I won a marathon lol
in reply to Andre Louis

ha take the wins. I almost cried when I got my PHP certification. weeks of work, my walls literally plastered with Braille code and things, and they changed so much upgradeing from PHP 3 to 4 that it was almost a new language.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Yeah, the old php code this thing was running on back in 2009 when Quinn basically grew the thing in his backyard is vastly, vastly different from the 2024 version.
I have the old stuff to look back on, from when it was how all the TBRN show ran, and it's night and day different.
in reply to Andre Louis

#StroongeCast E16: Happy New Year

In this episode we catch you up on the things we've done in 2024, our hopes for 2025, you'll hear about Kirsten's rather strange dreams and we have a question for you, the listeners.
You'll find out the answer to the question in the next episode.


in reply to Andre Louis

Every year around this time, I bring out this ridiculous clip of when I opened a champagne bottle back in 2011. It went everywhere!
Sharing this recording is just tradition at this point, and I even included it at the end of my latest podcast episode for those who listen beyond the outro.
Anyway, it's time for...

'Happy New Year from Andre and Kirsten Louis (AKA The puking champagne bottle)'

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Absolutely. That line gets me every time. And the noise the bottle makes opening is just priceless.
in reply to Andre Louis

there's just something about the ... winefall. It's like indoor rain. The splatter pattern or something, I dunno. It calls to me.
in reply to Sean Randall

I agree, it's a classic now! Thanks for spilling that champaign! Although I do feel sorry for Kirsten! LOL
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to Andre Louis

#StroongeCast E18: This Or That

In this episode we give you the answer to last episode's question, leave you with another, and then ask a series of 'This Or That' questions which you have to try and answer as quickly as possible. Questions like: 'Summer or Winter?' 'Bacon or Sausage?'
Feel free to leave your answers wherever you listen to podcasts, or email them to us via the contact form.


in reply to Andre Louis

question here though, how did the houseowner know the burgler was a burgler, did they have, "burglers are us?" written on his shirt or something? or was this person a known burgler?
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Big Pawed Bear

@bigpawedbear Any fucker that did that, delivery person or not is going to get extremely short shrift. The obvious thought is, that person is trying to rob me. Ring the damn bell like a normal person.
in reply to Andre Louis

@bigpawedbear Back in the 90s, we could still get milk delivered at the house. One summer evening, I forgot to close the main door, only having the storm door closed. In the morning, I guess the milk person thought this was an invitation to come into the house and put the milk on our kitchen table. I've checked all doors every night before bed since then. Lol!
in reply to Martin from Toronto

@mcourcel @bigpawedbear ha. We had a dog once. Opened the door to a postman, or a parcel or something. This dog just blows right through my legs, runs upstairs and snuggles into my daughter's bed.
I thought hebelonged to a friend down the road who came quite regularly on a very brief glimpse, but he'd turned out to have escaped from a garden a few streets away.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @mcourcel any idea why the dog chose your house? and why he or she then put themselves to bed in your daughter's bed?
in reply to Big Pawed Bear

@bigpawedbear None whatsoever. I guess he just saw an open door and went for it. Very family friendly dog, obviously came from a household with children.