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in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco I really love the meta glasses. I never expected them to have such a lovely stereo image.
in reply to Jakob Rosin

So, where did you order them? And do the AI features work in Europe yet?
in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco I happened to walk by a RAyban store in spain, so I just got them from there. And the AI stuff works when you do the setup of the glasses with a VPN to US. AFter that, it works without the VPN.
in reply to Jakob Rosin

@Marco wow I was already interested. I'll try to order them in Germany. hopefully a shipping forwarder can dilever it to my place in the Netherlands. Which vpn did you use during setup?
in reply to Vincent van Itallie

@vitallie @Marco if you have rayban store in germany, you can get them from there. I just downloaded express vpn, used their free trial and set it to US. I probably should set up something more permanent, but I rarely have the need for VPN these days.
in reply to Jakob Rosin

@vitallie Interesting. Where did you set up ExpressVPN? On your phone? Does it require a Bluetooth connection to your phone for the initial setup?
in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco @vitallie Yes. Just set up the vpn on my phone, turned it on. It then bluetooths to your phone, and does its thing. It occasionally creates its own glasses wifi to which your phone joins to. Wifi on the glasses is used mostly only for when you sync photos. Either the glasses create their own wifi and your phone connects to that, or you connect the glasses to your existing home / work wifi and they do their sync in the backround.
in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco @vitallie I first set up my glasses in the middle of the street, without any wifi near by so for setup, you don't need wifi, just your phone
in reply to Marco Zehe

the trouble with the AI on those glasses is that you really have to press it for details. YOu take a picture, ask for a description, it gives just one sentence. You need to keep asking more, and it describes more, but in very small chunks. It also fails with reading text, it just provides summaries and hallucinates a lot on that. Edit: I mean it doesn't say I am not shure what can / package it is, it very confidently decides to shoot at random and says a brand name for example. If logos / labels are not visible, its often wrong.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Jakob Rosin

@Marco Yes I feel that we are still on the beginning of this whole AI road. Ihear good reviews of the audio quality of the build in m,crophones. Do you still use your envission glasses now you haave these?
in reply to Vincent van Itallie

@vitallie @Marco I must admit I do use them less. The meta glasses provide me with excellent audio and video recordings, which in my book currently is a higher feature than text reading, which I can do with my phone as well for example. When it comes to headgear and wearables, I am also way more conscious on how does it look like. Those look like normal sunglasses and don't attract needless attention.
in reply to Jakob Rosin

@vitallie @Marco Wow this recording sounded really cool, I'd love to hear more samples of IE just some outside ambience. I guess these only record video so you need to extract the audio from it yourself and get audio recordings that way?
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach @vitallie @Marco Yeah. You need to separate the audio and video yourself. See this post, I just uploaded some examples:…
in reply to Kevin R Jones

@kevinrj @Marco No. I've heard a few demos where people say that they are a bit slow to respond currently.
in reply to Jakob Rosin

Yeah, and honestly, they don’t interest me nearly as much as the Meta glasses. The demo I’ve heard of them was just mind-blowing, and the Celeste demo didn’t come even close.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Jakob Rosin

Wait, that's not a real room, is it? Otherwise, how would you connect the glasses to the sound card?
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 its a real room indeed. I don't know how or why would I connect them to a sound card though, just captured a video, then stripped the audio.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 I mean the finger clicks in the beginning actually make it sound a bit like fake reverb because of the compression, but its a real one