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Items tagged with: meta

This is a great week with #Meta Llama3.1 and #Kamala! lol

Meta is already using it’s user’s data in the USA, But its brazen attempt to use EU user data and introduce Meta AI won’t pass! 🙅 🧐

Read more here 👉👉…

#MetaAi #Meta #AI #NYOB #Privacyrights #gdpr #GDPR #AI #Tuta #privacy

I'm hearing that Mozilla worked with Facebook to build this malware that they silently injected into our machines.

Reminds me of that episode of Batman where Batman teamed up with the Penguin to develop a more citizen-friendly system of crime and extortion so that the Penguin could stop having so many people murdered.

Oh, no, wait. That never happened because Batman knows who the fucking bad guys are.

#firefox #mozilla #meta #facebook

If anyone is interested, here is a short recording of a “Fly me to the moon” played by some musicians at the farmers market. This was recorded with #meta glasses.

Facebook v roli pasáka vlastních uživatelů. Zase. #meta #soukromí…

Hello #audiomo, today I am presenting to you the tale of two wind chimes recorded with #meta smart glasses. Not too bad, if you ask me! :) #audio

I just pulled out my first-gen Bose frames and compared their sound to the one from #Meta smart glasses (latest version). I think Meta did the right thing by pushing speakers closer to the listener's ear. The stereo image is awesome. Somehow though the Bose has a rounder sound, not too much of anything, and even thicker lows, I would say. #audio

Meta is deploying chatbots powered by AI to impersonate humans in its discussion groups. The chatbots make stuff up—that is their nature. One invents a nonexistent child. Another pretends to have nonexistent merchandise. It shouldn’t be necessary to explain how vile and poisonous this is, but Casey Fiesler @cfiesler spells it out:…

#Meta #AI

So Meta is claiming a legitimate interest in feeding their users‘ content into their LLM?
If I still had a Meta account I‘d demand their assessment in which they‘d have to show that their interest outweighs the rights of their users. I’d love to see how much empty legalese they are able to produce. 🤔
It couldn’t be any more obvious that Meta doesn’t care about their users‘ privacy. Companies, governments, and politicians should stop supporting them!

#privacy #DataProtection #GDPR #Meta

So, I am noticing that with Meta glasses, you really have to position the text in the right orientation if you want it to be recognized and read. In other orientations Meta will tell you there is a text which cannot be clearly seen. It will not, however, warn you that the paper is not in the right orientation. #meta #AI #glasses #accessibility #nearlyfail

Just published my first post on the new Kibbutz Blog: LALegault’s antisemitism, explained…

#antisemitism #meta

Because of some people asking for it, i created a file with recordings of different environments with the #Meta #Rayban glasses.

Threads is the largest player so far to adopt #ActivityPub, and as @mike says, “The implications are huge.”

Why is Threads doing this? How is the team working with the community? How are they thinking about moderation, monetization and privacy in these early days and going forward?
In the newest episode of @dot_social, Mike digs in with @rklambo, Director of Product Management, and @pcottle, Software Engineer. Check it out in the fediverse on PeerTube or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. More details here:…

#DotSocial #Podcast #Fediverse #Federation #MastodonMigration #Threads #Meta #ActivityPub #Flipboard

If you’re on, I would highly recommend that you switch to a different server that protects its people instead of exposing them to a well-known bad actor like Facebook/Meta via Threads.

For alternatives, see:

And remember that Mastodon is not the fediverse. The fediverse is much more than just Mastodon and definitely more so than and Mastodon gGmbH.

#mastodonSocial #mastodonGGMBH #mastodon #fediverse #threads #facebook #meta

"Facebook snooped on users’ Snapchat traffic in secret project, documents reveal"

Das ist vorsätzliches Umgehen von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und eine illegale Überwachung/Spionage. Wer Meta/Facebook noch in irgendeiner Weise vertraut, der sollte sich gut überlegen, was Vertrauen für ihn bedeutet.…

#vpn #surveillance #snooping #facebook #meta #vertrauen

Reminder to anyone who said "Meta wouldn't do anything to Fediverse, we should let them join!"

Meta is now automatically muting all posts that mention PixelFed, so it's users can't read about any alternatives to its services.…

Just remember, *Every time advocacy groups warn about tech/capitalism, believe them.* We don't make shit up, we use history of actions and facts to state our reasons to be against it.

If your instance isn't part of @FediPact please urge your admins to join or move to another instance who is.

And if you want proof, ask the general public what Jabber/XMPP was, and then ask what Google how they killed it.

EDIT: *Please* send support to the creator of the FediPact, @vantablack as she is homeless. This is possible because of them.

#fedipact #meta #pixelfed #eff

Zoom Layoffs Target DEI Amid a Broader Pullback on Diversity Initiatives 🙁

"Zoom is following in the footsteps of Google, Meta, and other corporate giants that have used layoffs to cut back on diversity, equity, and inclusion programs."…

#zoom #google #meta #diversity #DEI

"... the website loads in a special browser built into the app, rather than your phone’s default browser. In 2022, privacy researcher Felix Krause found that Meta injects special “keylogging” JavaScript onto the website you’re visiting that allows the company to monitor everything you type and tap on, including passwords. Other apps including TikTok do the same thing."

What the hell?? This is so creepy.

#Meta #JavaScript #Privacy #web #SocialMedia #News #Threads…

My #FediPact 2.0 website tool is now available for your anti-fascist viewing pleasure!

Please share this around so I can finallly go to sleep 😫. I know people wanted to see it.

Servers not listed just had no readily-available data for me to grab.

#Threads #Meta #FediPact #Zuckerberg #Mastodon #Lemmy #Firefish…
#meta #threads #fediverse

Meta thinks your #privacy is for sale.

Would you pay 160 euros per year to Facebook & Instagram for respecting your right to privacy?

Here's more info:…

#dataprotection #gdpr #consent #socialmedia #meta #facebook #instgram #whatsapp

  • Yes (4%, 18 votes)
  • No (95%, 376 votes)
394 voters. Poll end: 7 months ago

"𝑱𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒔 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒍’𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒓𝒆́𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒙 𝒔𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒖𝒙, 𝒖𝒏 𝒓𝒆́𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒖 𝒔𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒏’𝒂 𝒂𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆́ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒅𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆́𝒆𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒔."

"Vous allez voir vos données personnelles aspirées et 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐥’𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐫𝐞́𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐱 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐮𝐱, 𝐮𝐧 𝐫𝐞́𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐮 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐧’𝐚 𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞́ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞́𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐭 𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐞́𝐞𝐬 avec les autres données personnelles des autres réseaux sociaux de #META qu’avec #Threads aujourd’hui", explique toujours Xavier Degraux."

Mais à quoi d'autre pouvait-on s'attendre ?…

me, vanta, trans enby girl polyam lesbian gender terrorist: "people should block threads because it will make fedi unsafe for queer people"

the verge, for some reason: "OBVIOUSLY it's a bunch of NERD BOYS trying to keep the WOMEN out"

#FediPact #meta #threads

The recent excitement surrounding Thread's arrival on the Fediverse is concerning. To understand why this is not a good idea, consider their economic interest in harvesting data, their poor moderation, and their manipulations. Nothing good can come from their federation. Don't roll out the red carpet for them.

#Threads #Mastodon #Krita #MastoArt #Meta

Unser Kind hat unlängst eine Einladung für eine Veranstaltung von "Safer Internet" bekommen... In der Einladung stand etwas von den besonderen Ansprüchen der 6-10-Jährigen bei der Nutzung von Smartphone und Internet...

Es wird auf die Seite verwiesen... wo Meta einer der Sponsoren ist...

Ich bin aus allen Wolken gefallen, als ich da mal näher reingeschaut habe und habe schließlich der Klassenlehrerin auf die Einladung das hier geantwortet

Hallo Herr/Frau <Name der Lehrkraft>!
Ich habe das Infoschreiben zuerst mit Wohlwollen gelesen... und dann festgestellt, dass einer der Sponsoren von saferinternet der Konzern Meta ist. Also der Besitzer von Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram & Co.
Auf der Website umgesehen... geht es um Produktschulungen für die Produkte dieses Konzerns (und anderer US-Tech-Riesen).

Die Einführung der Einladung, dass man auf die Belange der 6-10 Jährigen bei der Benutzung dieser Dienste eingehen möchte, könnte mit einem einzigen Satz auch beantwortet werden:
Die Nutzung ist in der EU erst ab 16 Jahren gestattet.

Man kann das z.B. bei den Nutzungsbedingungen von Whatsapp… nachlesen.

"Alter. Wenn du in einem Land oder Gebiet in der Europäischen Region lebst, musst du mindestens 16 Jahre alt sein, um unsere Dienste zu nutzen bzw."

Da nutzt auch ein "aber es nutzen doch alle" nicht hinweg.

Außerdem fehlt mir schon in der Ankündigung und der Website die vollkommene Abwesenheit von Hinweisen auf Alternativen zu diesen kommerziellen Diensten.
Da wären als Messenger Matrix und XMPP zu nennen und für Social Media ist seit vielen Jahren das Fediverse mit den Diensten Mastodon, Pixelfed, Friendica, Firefish, Peertube & Co zu nennen.
Das sind - genau wie Email - föderierende Dienste hinter denen keine kommerziellen Plattformen stehen. Es gibt kein Tracking des Userverhaltens, keine Algorithmen, kein Verkauf von Userdaten, da diese Services sogar selbst (z.B. von der Schule) gehostet werden können.

Ich erwarte gerade in der heutigen Zeit, wo alle und alles verkauft und missbraucht wird, dass unsere Kinder einen neuen Umgang mit Online-Diensten abseits der Überwachungsplattformen wie Facebook, Whatsapp, Tiktok & Co lernen. Und da sehe ich gerade die Schule in der Pflicht, da sehr viele Eltern hier schon kein Bewusstsein haben, was sie ihren Kindern antun, wenn sie sie in die Arme dieser Unternehmen durch unbedachtes Benutzen derer Services schicken.

Ich betreibe selbst mehrerer der genannten freien und vor allem überwachungsfreien Services, da ich in der IT arbeite und mir die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre im Internet ein großes Anliegen ist.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn wir einmal ins Gespräch diesbezüglich kommen können.

Unsere Kind wird an der angebotenen Produktschulung übrigens nicht teilnehmen.

Liebe Grüße

<Mein Name>

#Meta #Google #TikTok #SicherNIcht

🚨#BREAKING: EU Bans Personalized Ads on #Facebook & #Instagram 💪

Or: How the small country of Norway has brought down Meta

1. Impose a fine of €90.000 per day on Meta for personalized ads. ✅

2. Make the fine temporary and call on EU orgs to check whether Meat violates the EU GDPR privacy protection rules. ✅

3. EU threatens with fines of up to 4% of #Meta's global turnover. ✅

More 👉…

BTW: #Tutanota comes with zero ads, but maximum privacy! 😎🥰

The EU bans Meta's use of personal data for behavioural advertising.

The European Data Protection Board said Wednesday it had adopted a binding decision that will ban Facebook and Instagram owner Meta from using the personal data of users for targeted advertisements.

Earlier this year Norway imposed a ban on sending Facebook and Instagram users targeted advertisements based on their personal data.…

#EU #Privacy #EDPB #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #Advertising

Norwegen greift durch – aufgrund anhaltender Verstöße gegen EU-Recht durch #Meta hat das Land ein dreimonatiges Verbot für personalisierte Werbung auf Facebook und Instagram erlassen. Das Verbot ist ein bedeutender Schritt, um besser zu verstehen und zu kontrollieren, wie Big Tech unsere persönlichen Daten nutzt. Hier könnt ihr mehr dazu erfahren:…

#datenschutz #bigtech #facebook #instagram

3 tax prep firms shared ‘extraordinarily sensitive’ data about taxpayers with #Meta, lawmakers say:…

Oh my God. PLEASE do not get on Meta's new competitor for Twitter.

It harvests mucho data including our health data.

You cannot opt out.

#Meta has already taken info from a Facebook Messenger chat about seeking #abortion in a hostile state, and turned it over for prosecution.

If you're #trans or might ever need to end a pregnancy PLEASE do not use #Threads.

Boost this. Protect your damn friends.

Edit to add documentation:…

Deutsche Telekom: Die App »MeinMagenta« gibt ungefragt personenbezogene Daten an Facebook weiter, ohne Facebook/Meta in den Datenschutzhinweisen zu erwähnen. 👇

#Lesen -≥ #Teilen -> ❤…

#telekom #deutschetelekom #facebook #meta #dsgvo #ttdsg #datenschutz #datensendeverhalten

The Zuck suck is in full swing. In the few short hours since I started using #Threads, #DuckDuckGo has already blocked over 200 data tracking attempts. These include things like "headphone status" and "screen density."

#DataPrivacy #Meta #ThreadsApp

Meta Specific Data Rights Limitation Notice

Notice is hereby given to #Meta Corp. by this account, and all signatories, that all data rights are reserved. No license is granted other than those limited rights as per the account's instance Privacy Policy (eg.

Specifically no authorization is given for: 1) Monetization in any way, 2) Profiling for targeted advertising or other purpose, 3) AI, LLM or algorithm training.

**Simply reply, boost, or favourite to sign**
