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Today's #AudioMo is more of a #Music thing actually, and comes from #Jamulus which is an online realtime jamming tool to allow people in different places to make music with each other. In this instance, Alf, the bass player is a few hundred miles from me also in the UK, Martin (guitar) is in The Netherlands, Phil (other guitarist) is near brighton, Mag (drummer) is in Germany and I'm playing Rhodes in London.
This perspective was captured by Alf.
For more information about Jamulus, check out

André Polykanine reshared this.

in reply to Andre Louis

I could never get how it really works. What if my connection is laggy? How do they manage to avoid latence at all? Super curious!
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion If it's laggy, everyone will know about it very quickly. That's all there is to it. It uses UDP, so even if you sneeze for 30 milliseconds and your connection goes away, it will be very, very obvious.
in reply to Andre Louis

I am just kinda speechless at this level of ... improvisation is the wrong word. There's just something about your synergy. Lovely stuff.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo That's due to having been playing with the same musicians online like this for the passed nearly three years. We're basically a band at this point. We've composed music together, jammed together, it's a thing. And during lockdown, it was a genuine depression-saver when there seemed no end to the misery. I'm not just spewing hyperbole here. I mean it.
in reply to Andre Louis

@cachondo Once I get better at you know, actually playing music, I might use this. Can't go in there sucking really bad because that'll also be noticeable. I don't have a $12000 Euphonium to play on otherwise I would suck far less since that's my main instrument.
in reply to Andre Louis

I've wanted to try jamulous but I don't play anything. I just sing, well with the voice I have left anyway. and my mic really is notg the best as I don't have my consoul hooked up.
in reply to Sarah A

@ke7zum Singing is an instrument. One might even call it a singstrument lol
in reply to Andre Louis

@ke7zum ANd hey, I use Sonobus, which was originally designed for jamming, as a way to have Bob sound like he was in the studio when he no longer can do so on a weekly basis. Thanks Onj! Planning to put a different machine over there BTW so that we can have Sonobus at less conservative settings.