Performed in an amazing #
concert for #
ImmigrantJustice last night, with the proceeds going to an organization that supports refugees new to the area. The one song I thought Jo's service dog would freak at, she handeled pretty darn well. I had to use my cane throughout the concert, which was a new experience for me, but it helped a lot. I get to sing with the group again come April 6, when we'll be singing for a service with a visiting speaker, so that will be an awesome close-out on this chapter of my experience with #
JusticeChoir of the Midwest, and then at some point we'll be doing an LGBT justice concert for the fall. There's also hopefully going to be an LGBT+ choir meeting in May to perform for Pride in June, and I'm hopeful to get involved with that.
I am tired today, but it was so entirely worth it that while I know I need to rest, I have a damn good reason, which makes that easier. I plan to spend the day probably listening to some Star Trek episodes, maybe just sitting in stillness a bit, basically just generally taking it easy.
***Hashtags Here***
SongIsResistance #
Choir #
Singing #
music #
resistance #