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Put down your #mouse for an hour and use these #Mac #Keyboard #Shortcuts instead, Be more #productive

On #Youtube:

On #Instagram:

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Well, youtube short only allows 60 seconds, so you can watch the beginning bit in the next link...
in reply to Andre Louis

Seems I've come across multi-minute shorts. BTW, shorts are dumb. The iPhone version allows a short and a regular video to play at the same time.
Unknown parent

Pratik Patel
There used to be an option to let you avoid seeing shorts. It seems to have disappeared.
Unknown parent

Mikołaj Hołysz
My Youtube shorts are kind of insane. My normal Youtube recommendation feed is pretty okay, it’s mostly tech stuff with a fair bit of Reddit and aviation thrown in. Shorts are mostly extreme right-wing US politics. I have no idea why this happens.
Unknown parent

Andre Louis
Me either. Plastic poopoo things for the most part.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

I've learned that, if you ended up playing something accidentally (even for just a little), the algorithm immediately switches you to that topic. Turn off all recommendations in your settings. It should get better but not entirely.
in reply to Pratik Patel

I don’t want to turn off recommendations. My Youtube recommendations are fine and I do want them. It’s just shorts that somehow went off the rails.