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Items tagged with: youtube

📣 Happy #GlobalSwitchDay to all the brave frontrunners out there!

For whom February 1st came a little too soon, don't worry! Just try again on March 1st and celebrate Zero Discrimination Day in the beautiful #fediverse. Alternatively, you can switch on April 1st, as only fools stay behind ;) or join your friends on May 1st and put your ideals to work.

Help spread the word.

#WhatsApp #Signal #Reddit #Lemmy #X #Mastodon #Instagram #Pixelfed #Facebook #friendica #Youtube #Peertube #Tiktok #loops

Anyone here witnessed/seen hour+ unskippable ads on #YouTube? Yes, you read that right. Supposedly, Google is only showing this to some users it suspects of using an adblocker.

We all know how #Google has become increasingly hostile towards adblocking technologies in the last couple years… but if this is true - and not some sort of bug - geez… doesn’t help they neither confirm or deny it in the news sources I’ve seen.…

Still undecided about #PeerTube. I'd really like to use it as a creator, but apparently non of the interesting Instances allow for account registration directly.

Then there's some for artistic content that downscale all videos to 720p. I mean, WTF, it's almost 2025 and this is a sure way to scare off people doing serious video work. Even my old camera from 2018 that bought used for 260€ records 4k.

We talk a lot about how the #Fediverse is a good place and not suffering #enshittification like #YouTube, but after approx. 3hrs of looking at user uploads as well as terms and conditions of server instances, I'm at the Houston point:

We have a problem.

Friendica: Warum werden Youtube Videos nicht inline dargestellt?

Wenn ich mich recht erinnere wurden als ich zu Friendica kam Youtube Videos inline, sprich im Beitragstext eingebettet dargestellt. Doch das scheint schon eine Weile vorbei zu sein, oder ich habe was falsch eingestellt. Bei mir sieht das z. B. so aus:

Ist das so gewollt? Ich finde es auf jeden Fall weder schön noch komfortabel zu nutzen.

#Frage #Hilfe #Friendica #Youtube #Embedded #Inline #Video #2024-12-23 !Friendica Support

Friendica: Youtube Bug im Markdown Addon?

Hallo Zusammen,

immer wenn ich als ersten Markdown Link einen Youtube-Link habe, dann wird er nicht wie zu erwarten hinter dem Linktext verborgen, sondern erscheint folgendermaßen:

Ich vermute mal das das ein Bug ist oder?

Danke für Eure Hilfe im Voraus und eine schöne Weihnachtszeit

Grüße Sascha

#Frage #Hilfe #Friendica #Markdown #Links #Youtube #2024-12-23 !Friendica Support česká alternativa k YouTube postavená na PeerTube

O rozjezdu, svobodné alternativě k YouTube bez reklam a sledování, která je postavená na PeerTube. Včetně prvních zkušeností z provozu.

#fediverse #OpenAlt #PeerTube #video #YouTube…
(reakce na tento příspěvek se může zobrazit jako komentář pod článkem)

For the first time in a long time, I'm being asked to allow #Youtube ads. Running Firefox, UBlock Origin, clearing the UBlock caches isn't solving it.

I just learned one thing about #Peertube that can make it quite attractive to content creators. Peertube channels have #podcast feeds, and most podcast apps can play video podcasts these days. You can submit the feed to Spotify or Apple Podcasts, making it available to millions of users. AFAIK, you can't do that with videos uploaded to #YouTube channels.
I haven't tried if it really works. But if it does, it's a big deal.
This is how @mestskacyklistika looks in the #Podverse app.

Když tedy @archos rozjel českou instanci #PeerTube -, přemluvil jsem Petra Šimáčka, aby tam dával svá skvělá videa o městské cyklistice. Pomohl jsem mu s přechodem z #YouTube a teď tam najdete vše, co Petr za ten více než rok vytvořil:

Vím, že se tu o cyklistiku zajímá dost lidí, tak dejte @mestskacyklistika follow, ať Petr vidí, že je tady taky publikum. 😉

#cyklistika #kolo #biking

Flathub Is Fixing Its Biggest Fault!! #Linux #YouTube


After exploring #R2E, I've decided it might not be the best fit for my needs. Here's why:

1. R2E doesn't support #Inoreader's #OPML format, requiring manual feed addition.
2. I realized I have many feeds and need a more comprehensive solution.

I'm now considering #Miniflux, which can manage #RSS feeds, #Podcasts, and #YouTube subscriptions in one place.

Until I get my #RaspberryPi for Christmas, I'm weighing two options:
1. Self-host Miniflux on my #Windows PC using #Docker
2. Use their $15/year hosted plan temporarily

Fellow #techies, especially those interested in #accessibility and #SelfHosting: What would you recommend? Your insights would be greatly appreciated!

#Tech #blind
@mastoblind @main

So... #Signal and #Wire, which both have issues, but not #Matrix / #XMPP? And for video, 2 #YouTube front ends and a proprietary YouTube clone, but no direct mention of #Peertube? And for Translation, the proprietary #Deepl, but no mention of the local and #Privacy respecting #Firefox #translate

I appreciate the intent of this post, but the research is... outdated at best.

Замедление YouTube с технической стороны

#network #security #infosec #proxy #vless #vmess #youtube #roscompozor #ntc_party

Готовые средства обхода. Waujito написал своё решение под линукс (…), которое направлено только на ютуб.
Также для Windows существует GoodbyeDPI от ValdikSS (, под линукс еще есть zapret (
Существует ByeDPI (, который работает как прокси (Windows/Linux). Также есть версия ByeDPI под андроид (…), работает как "фейковый впн".

Советую прочитать подробный комментарий от ValdikSS о том, как использовать эти средства. (…)

Если есть желание погрузиться глубже в эту тему, вот тут можно посмотреть подробнее:замедление-youtube-в-россии/8055/ andобсуждение-замедление-youtube-в-россии/8074/

Комменты как обычно бурлят.

> Клонировать Ютуб примерно за 1 рабочий день может любой, кто обладает начальными знаниями в веб-программировании и настройке серверов.

Боже мой. Какой уровень экспертизы. Что у Каца, что у тех, кто ему тексты пишет 🫠

Но хуже всего не это, а то, что находятся дураки, которые его ещё смотрят.

#Кац #Youtube

Stop Running Google Chrome Immediately #Linux #YouTube

A complete guide for adding captions to YouTube videos… #youtube #captions #a11y

A recap: We've covered a number of things on this channel so far, from an @elementary review to a look at code editors, datascience tools, screen readers, hacking tools like Burp Suite and platforms like TryHackMe, all from a screen raeder user's perspective. I'm only just getting started though, intending to cover a wide variety of different things, from more #FOSS tools, audio/video editing, programming and hacking tools etc.
Today's stream will be more #tryHackMe content, with a look at #HackTheBox Academy next week. Anyone who wants this kind of feedback, and doesn't mind constructive, but thorough, feedback, come talk to me :) We'll be going live today at 3 PMeST over at https;// and #infoSEc #cybersecurity #accessibility #selfPromo #twitch #youtube #streaming


Dieses Sign-In war das eine, dieser 403 wohl der andere.

In jedem Fall scheint auf Seiten von #YouTube aktuell etwas im Wandel zu sein...

@heluecht @feb

Existiert möglicherweise ein Zusammenhang mit den aktuellen Änderungen bei #YouTube, von denen z.B. #NewPipe betroffen ist?


Frage | Friendica: Warum wird das so dargestellt?

Ich habe einen Beitrag mit Markdown mit folgenden Inhalt eingegeben:

#### **Video |  Europe Calling - Frankreich nach der Wahl – Wie weiter für Rechtsstaat, Klima und Frauenrechte?**

Eine kleine Einordnung der vergangenen Wahl in Frankreich. Klar nicht aus anarchistischer Sicht, aber ich denke man sollte abseits der Arbeit für tiefgreifende radikale  Veränderung auch das im Auge behalten. ([weitere Infos](

**Video:** [Youtube](

**Audio:** [podigee]( | [MP3](

#Video #Frankreich #Europa #Europe-calling #Wahl #Rechtsruck #Entwicklung #Einordnung #2024-07-10

Daraus macht dann Friendica Folgendes:

Warum wird der Youtube Link nicht wie ich ihn angebe umgesetzt? Mir ist generell aufgefallen das hier bei mir Youtube Videos auch nicht mehr embedded dargestellt werden, es könnte also auch eine Einstellungssache auf meiner Seite sein.

#Frage #Friendica #Markdown #Youtube #Formatierung #2024-07-10 !Friendica Support

Ok, in an hour, i'll be starting this up. High temps, high effort and high complexity, what oculd go wrong? Let's dig into the #screenReader #accessibility of #jupyter notebooks, a tool prevalent in #dataScience, #python #programming in general, #machineLearning and therefore also practically all things #ai etc.
See you then over at and #goingLive #twitch #youtube #selfPromo

YouTube makes #ads unskippable!

#Google is planning to start merging ads into #YouTube before they leave the server 🙈

Is it even possible to enjoy YouTube without ads? Check out our wrap-up here 👉…

#adblocker #annoyingads #privacymatters


Wednesday: In the on-going fight against #ad-blockers #YouTube is experimenting with new server-side ad injection so that Ads are directly added into videos.


Do you ever stumble upon an old Excel file that's locked with a password and you can't remember what it is? This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if the file contains valuable data! 😩

In my latest video, I show you a surprisingly easy way to remove worksheet protection from any Excel file, even if you don't have the password! This trick is perfect for those times when you're locked out of your own information.

The best part? You don't need any fancy software to do it! Just a little bit of text editing will do the trick. 😉
Check out my full video here:

#excel #howto #productivity #exceltips #microsoft #office #tutorial #tech #software #spreadsheets #YouTube #Feditips

Ahright, Patch tuesday be upon us so the final IC_Null stream for the week is upon us. Let's run down the remaining part of the web portion of the #thm Jr Pentester path so we're all good to go for the #burpsuite deep-dive next week. I can already say, that dive will be gory indeed :) You all know the drill by now, #accessibility as in how do these #thm rooms work when all you have to parse them is a #screenReader. Relatively smooth sailing so far, when do we run ashore and how do we sail on? COme see :) See you at 3 EST at or, pick your poison :) #twitch #youtube #streamer #selfPromo

busybee: fluffy rambles: Please stop using open captions… #Accessibility #VideoEditing #Captions #YouTube #Video #Blog #Rant #A11Y

Sensitive content

Today I have found out when enabling subtitles on #youtube the area where the subtitle track is playing is no longer configured as so called live region so youtube subtitles are no longer read automatically with a #screenReader if it's running. I've also looked at #invidious which has aria-live set to off. This is unfortunate as I was expecting this to just work. It can be tested on this video if you like

díky díky moc. Ty #VHSky jsem zkoušel a oproti #peertube to má výhodu, že to má zatím vše, co do nyní bylo jenom na #youtube
tedy návody na opravu PC, videa vysvětlující matematiku a tutoriály na programovací jazyky.
Taky díky za #cryptpad zatím sice používám google drive, ale šokovalo mne, když jsem si uvědomil, jak málo znám alternativy ke službám Googlu.

Can anyone recommend a good #accessible #RSS feed reader for #iPhone that does well with both text and audio #RSSFeeds? I recently subscribed to The Old Reader ( and like how it lets you add text RSS feeds, #podcasts, and #YouTube channels, and I'm looking for a good app for it on my phone. I've tried #lire, but it doesn't seem to work well with podcasts.
#TheOldReader #iOS #accessibility #technology #tech @mastoblind

"What made me put my coffee down this morning was 'synthetically generating music', which apparently now falls under 'needs to disclose'.

Them’s fighting words.

Let’s say I fiddle with some knobs on my Eurorack setup (that’s a music synthesizer if you don’t know), and decide to upload it in the background of a video. Am I now making 'altered content?'"

#MusicProduction #MusicTech #AI #Policy #YouTube #Deepfakes…

"Our main findings indicate a "funnelling effect": users.. ..are steered by the recommendation system towards a select group of video channels,
narrowing the range of views they are exposed to.

Additionally, we found a significant overrepresentation of right-wing voices in video recommendations. When viewing political videos.. ..19.3% of the first recommendations were for videos featuring politicians from the Finns Party."

#youtube #rightwing #persut…

Windows Text To Speech Is A Mess #YouTube

S/MIME E-Mail Verschlüsselung mit Thunderbird einrichten? Wie das geht, erkläre ich in diesem Video:……

#Linux #Thunderbird #SMIME #Video #YouTube #Tutorial #Security #Privacy

Guten Morgen. Wer sie noch nicht kennt, sollte unbedingt einen Blick in die Empfehlungsecke werfen. Diese enthält meine aktuellen Empfehlungen zu verschiedenen Themen wie Messenger, Werbeblocker, werbefreies YouTube, Passwort-Manager, Suchmaschinen und Co. 👇…

#empfehlung #tracking #security #datenschutz #adblocker #android #youtube #messenger #linux #firefox #dns #unifiedpush #email #frankgehtran #thunderbird #passwortmanager #videokonferenz #vpn #suchmaschine

New on the tubes. Me and the monks and a mountain of momos!

This one follows my old "Walk with me" format, walking you through how I process the RAW files.

#WalkWithMe #Photography #EwenTube #Nepal #MonksAndMomos #YouTube

#Google pays 1150 times its entire #lobbying budget in the EU & US to fund its search engine #monopoly.😳

And if that wasn't bad enough, now they're accused of slowing down #YouTube on non-Chrome Browsers like #Firefox! 🤬

Does Google know any shame? Apparently not. 🤡…

Cheeky fuckers.

#Youtube have deployed Javascript that delays video load if the user is using #Firefox…

Fedora 40 KDE Wayland Only IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING #Linux #YouTube