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There's a shortcut key to reach almost any kind of element on a web page but how do you reach tabs with #NVDA? They're not on-click (well I guess they are but don't come up as such,) they're not links, checkboxes, lists etc...
in reply to Andre Louis

There is an unassigned browse mode single letter gesture to move to the next or previous tab - the user guide, in noting that sometimes you need to assign both, actually uses that as the example, so here are the instructions to assign it:…
in reply to NV Access

@NVAccess Interesting, thanks. I've also reliably been informed that F and Shift F moves to tabs, for some reason? Strange.
in reply to Andre Louis

F should move to the next form field, but maybe the Youtube Studio website is setup like that? Nothing surprises me anything :)
in reply to NV Access

@NVAccess It does, but it also moves to tabs, as confirmed by @FluidEscence.
This isn't just true on the youtube studio site.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FluidEscence I don't doubt you :) And now I can't find a site with tabs (YouTube studio is telling me there are no tabs - not sure if I have it setup differently through something I've done or because they show different interfaces to different users...)
in reply to NV Access

@NVAccess @FluidEscence Click the 'Content' button first, then you'll definitely see tabs. Shorts, Videos, Community etc.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FluidEscence Ah yes that does you are right. Perhaps because, like a form, it changes the page. Ok the difference between using F and Y (or whatever key you setup for tabs) is that the tab key ONLY moves to those elements, where F jumps to buttons, edit fields, etc (Similar to the difference between pressing E for next edit and F for form field)