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Dear white people: when Black people share our experiences with racism, don't ask us

"What can be done about it?"

We didn't invent racism.

And on some level, many of you know what needs to be done. It just sits outside of your comfort level.

Well, you need to learn to sit with that discomfort, then pose your questions about what needs to be done to other white people. You need to challenge racism within:

* YOUR family members who
are racist (The major holidays
are coming. Time to prepare!)

* Your friends and social

* Your co-workers and

* YOURself

Asking Black people to explain the dynamics of racism and to offer solutions, unless they volunteer that information, is asking for them to "educate you" by doing FREE emotional and intellectual labor - and most of us have enough on our plate trying to survive and thrive.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

#racism #antiracism

This entry was edited (2 months ago)