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We just bought one of those #Samsung washing machines where the motor that spins the drum has absolutely no sound. Spinning does, but it's massively quieter than the old machine we had. I've never heard anything quite like it.
in reply to Andre Louis

Here's a recording of what I call 'The Samsung Washing Machine Song' which does go on a bit but at least you'll know when it's done.
in reply to Andre Louis

As a fellow owner of a Samsung Washer I can absolutely guarantee this is gonna be stuck in your head for a while lol
Oh and if you were curious about the origins of this tune
in reply to Mike Breedlove

@stirlock Ugh. It’s a classical piece by Schubert, Die Forelle, Op. 32, D. 550. That’s what I get for linking to a “topic” video uploaded by Warner music I guess.
in reply to Andre Louis

Yep. This thing was also all over different phones if you go looking for it both Samsung and LG had multiple polyphonic versions. We also have a Samsung smart Oven which plays melodies too but in that case it’s just longer and longer variations on a jingle, short ones for power on and off, a longer one for preheating finished and an even longer version when the food is ready. I need to record it at some point because I can’t find it anywhere on YouTube.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach Yeah, just wanted to reply to the original post by Andre to let him know that we had to sing this song pretty often back in school. Lol.