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The latest Mastodon update lets you follow hashtags. When you follow, posts with a tag appear in your timeline automatically.

Try following #Gardening to make posts about gardening appear in your timeline.

This can be REALLY useful for discovering interesting accounts.

To follow a hashtag:
1. Log in through your server's website
2. Search for hashtag
3. Click it to see its results
4. Click on 👤+ icon in top right (click again to unfollow)

Posts from followed tags are visible in the apps too.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Federico Mena Quintero reshared this.

in reply to FediTips has moved!

Just to clear up some confusion about how hashtag following works on Mastodon apps:

If you follow a hashtag on Mastodon, posts from those followed tags will be visible on your home timeline on the website AND in all the apps.

So, for example, you could log in through your server's website, follow the tags you want, and then go back to using your favourite app.

If you want to follow more tags, you can currently only do that through a website or Android apps Fedilab & Subway Tooter.


This entry was edited (1 year ago)