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Great read:

> #Signal published a blog post on how we were all different and they were trying to adapt to those differences. Signal was for everyone, told the title. Ironically, that very same day, I’ve lost access to my account.

> I’ve suddenly been excluded from all the conversations with my friends because I very slightly but unacceptably deviated from the norm.

> 3yrs ago, I thought having a black and white screen on my own phone was more comfortable for my eyes.
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

I mean, I have been pushing #Threema for years. I started using it ~15 (Fukk, am I old?) years ago, when it was still in #beta, if memory serves. It never really took off outside of the paranoid, #security conscious, IT crowd, but maybe now more people will start gravitating towards it.
I mean, they literally have (for #Android, anyway) an app that they guide you how to install without using #Google or the #PlayStore, so that you don't trigger #trackers and #analytics.

Edit: Adding link to Threema Libre
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Justice F. Dazzle :verified:

@justice_dazzle except threema has the very same fault signal does: it is a centralised service with a signle entity dictating who gets to use it and who doesn't. I thought that was the point of this article.
in reply to Mathijs

@mvgorcum I had not read the entire article before I posted. I did find this site which has a few different Decentralized options.
The one I used to use was FireChat, but, unfortunately, it is defunct now.
in reply to Justice F. Dazzle :verified:

@justice_dazzle I personally host an xmpp server and a matrix server. My xmpp server is unfortunately barely used, but my matrix server is working really well for me.