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If this lands on your feed, tell me about different features that are just missing in Matrix.

It can be anything, but please don't include memes like "unable to decrypt message" or other things that are already in the works, or maybe has already been merged (e.g media captions). Also, no, I won't "just use XMPP".

Some examples include better forwarded messages, rich profiles, or a live location sharing, just to name a few.

(I am writing something about this, boosts appreciated!)

#matrix #tech

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in reply to Simon Müller :ablobcatcoffee:

server migration. That is: a way to switch from synapse to conduit, not pprtable accounts.

It could be specially built per-server, but it seems to me like it should be possible to define some kind of export-import format so you only have to write an import function once per server. (I vaguely remember jonathan working on an MSC for this, though I may just be hallucinating).