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Really happy to share !

Back in 2020, during grant-funded work on the next-generation pip resolver, @sprblm did fascinating user experience research & design work.

They wrote several useful documents that took a while to get merged, but now live in pip's documentation! Like:

how to design a survey

how users think pip should react to dependency conflicts

security practices

in reply to Sumana Harihareswara

It was so valuable to get to work with UX experts on pip. Example: their research findings helped us improve the format and content of the "ResolutionImpossible" error message, so users could actually work out what went wrong and how to fix it.

There's a wealth of information in the resources that Superbloom (formerly Simply Secure) developed.

Not just for for Python packaging tools developers! For anyone working on developer experience, especially on the command line!

in reply to Sumana Harihareswara

The thing I want to shout from the rooftops is: THIS IS POSSIBLE.

#opensource projects can hire UX experts, who gather quantitative & qualitative data, and who then recommend specific choices. Maintainers don't just have to guess how to design good, usable features and interfaces.

Yes, even for command-line tools.

Yes, even without a big company running the project. We got grants:

And tool*chains* can pool resources to invest & learn together!