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I've been running this single-user instance from October 2022. It's interesting that only this week I went past the threshold of 5000 federated peers. I'm sure this is not even the majority of peers on the fedi (though it probably is the majority of users).

This is not a complaint. I'm not especially popular or interesting and I get plenty of good stuff in my timeline. Rather, it's a reminder to myself that the fedi really has no centre, and the experience one gets of it is really different depending on one's point of access and connections.

Also, thanks to the #GoToSocial team for making it easy to run an instance.

in reply to modulux

how's that working out for you in terms of costs on storage and such?
How powerful does your VPS need to be?
in reply to Sean Randall

I have a dedi with OVH that's way more powered than it needs to be to carry the instance. In terms of storage, the sqlite db is 19gb and the media storage is 18 gb. It could easily run in 1gb RAM though my dedi has 64GB so I don't cap it that low.