in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

The original 2MB buffer chip was already a bit small for 128Kbps MP3 and a HDD, but definitely too small for 320Kbps MP3 ripped from my CD 😢
Every time I played music, I remember thinking "when will the HDD die from all the power cycles ?" 😅

With a Compact Flash and IDE adapter, there is no spin-up time so it's not that bad.


in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

while we're here, i'll plug an idea i've had for a while now. feel free to roll your eyes or ban me.

i conceived of a means to listen to audiobooks while i'm not fully paying attention.

i split the audio into 5-10 minute clips and repeat them until i feel like i 'got' that clip and then move to the next one.

this way i can listen to something while otherwise distracted and still get the story.

i'd love RB to have a 'loop x minutes' function so this is built in to THE best player!

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Rockbox was definitely life-changing software for me. I was so proud when I first managed to get it installed, at the age of 10 if that. I got a Sansa Clip Plus for about $25, an affordable price, even at that age, and Rockbox made it talk. Similar devices directly aimed at the blind marked are more expensive at least by an order of magnitude. It has served me well for years, up until 2016 or so, when I finally bit the bullet and switched over to listening on a smartphone full time. I definitely have very fond memories of generating audiobooks on my computer with text-to-speech software to play them later on the Sansa, though.