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Items tagged with: foss

Lazyweb question for y'all:

What if I've been spoiled by the ability of the Mastodon web client to do a one-push-of-a-button optical character recognition operation on images, as part of the alt-text entry interface?

I know NOTHING about the back-end software, services, or APIs that power that. But I want it in WordPress -- a plugin to grab text from an image as part of "Add Media" operation.

FOSS if possible; sustainable software always preferred!

#WordPress #Plugin #OCR #FOSS #Alt #AltText

Being #OpenSource has many advantages. For #NVDA has opened the way for community contributions, and has enabled #transparency, #security and #innovation beyond what might have been possible in closed software. Increasingly, governments are also mandating the use of open source. Here is an article on such a step forward in Switzerland:

"Switzerland Makes Open Source Software Mandatory For Public Sector"…

#FOSS #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #Software #News

Google drops it's plan of disabling 3rd-party tracking cookies by default in Chrome. 🍪

Looking for a Chrome alternative? Check out our recommendations.
#browser #email #privacy #encryption #foss #cookies

Derek attributes his experience with NVDA instrumental to his career success and since working at Google has found numerous ways to improve accessibility, both internally and externally.

"A product built by the community, for the community, is better than one built by some company, simply because the community is in charge of what goes into it." - Derek Riemer

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

GitHub has released an insightful article to accompany the documentary shared earlier showcasing NVDA, OSARA, & REAPER. The article interviews NVDA co-founders, Mick Curran & Jamie Teh, as well as Derek Riemer, who has used NVDA since 2011. Derek has contributed to NVDA itself & written over 20 add-ons. He also now works as a software engineer at Google.

Find the full article (& short documentary) here:….
#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

Does anyone know of a #Gnome or #Linux or even #FOSS community in #Egypt? Or people thinking of starting something? I think we can do cool things. I just don't know many cool people.

Our native language projects translate #LibreOffice into 100 languages, making the software usable for billions around the globe! Learn what they did in 2023:… #foss #opensource #freesoftware

We are pleased to be one of the many projects supported by the EU's NGI programmes, with NLnet's contribution.

Open, decentralized solutions are essential for user freedom on the Internet and for the resilience of our services. What would happen if one of these centralized services were blocked tomorrow?

The NGI programmes are a strength, let's hope they continue:


In-Process is out! Featuring all the news on NVDA 2024.3 Beta 4, the add-on update notification feature in NVDA 2024.3, thanks to Intopia (& all our corporate sponsors) and a look at jumping between paragraphs! Check it out here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #ThankYou #Intopia #Navigation #Beta #Prerelease #FOSS #Software #blog

Huge thanks to @mattj and @ralphm for their time today. I'm delighted to be getting acquainted with leadership at @xmpp – there are _so_ many things we can learn from each other and collaborate on.

It's free, open, federated communications versus the forces of centralization and proprietary walled gardens!

#XMPP #Matrix #FOSS #OpenSource #Interoperability

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 4 is now avaialble. Everthing from the previous betas PLUS beta 4 also includes:

- Fix reporting addresses in Modern Outlook To/CC/BCC fields

- Improved handling of errors when installing add-ons, fixed bug where failed add-on updates remove the installed add-on

- Minor fixes to improve updating a portable copy

- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #FOSS #Beta #Prerelease

The Foundation joins the FOSS community and advocates of digital sovereignty in calling on the European Commission to sustain its funding for the Next Generation Internet program.

The European Union must keep funding free software:…

#Advocacy #Policy #EU #FOSS #OpenSource

How would peer-to-peer collaboration work in #LibreOffice? Our Design community has been exploring ideas and working on mockups:… #foss #opensource #p2p

That's because you said you care about UI that I gave you my impression 😉
I "know" what it's like to develop #FOSS, as an average user, I know it is better to have a working app than a nice one, and I am aware that #FOSS are mostly developed by volunteers.

I may give AntennaPod search another try. My point is, again, that search UI is less appealing because it seems it presents less "popular podcasts" than Focus Podcasts.


Oh. I recently switched to Focus Podcast, that has a more appealing UI and a wider podcast search database.

#OpenSourceDesign #UXdesign #UIdesign #FOSS

We guess you've seen our calls for UX/UI pros. But why, you ask? Well, this is the challenge in front of us: fit all of the below into the player screen, while keeping it clean & usable!
📜 Transcripts
💭 Comments
🔢 Chapter titles
📋 Bookmarks with notes
💤 Sleep timer indication
👛 Donations to podcasters

We're soon meeting with the designers who'll hopefully make this happen!

#OpenSourceDesign #UXdesign #UIdesign #FOSS

A recap: We've covered a number of things on this channel so far, from an @elementary review to a look at code editors, datascience tools, screen readers, hacking tools like Burp Suite and platforms like TryHackMe, all from a screen raeder user's perspective. I'm only just getting started though, intending to cover a wide variety of different things, from more #FOSS tools, audio/video editing, programming and hacking tools etc.
Today's stream will be more #tryHackMe content, with a look at #HackTheBox Academy next week. Anyone who wants this kind of feedback, and doesn't mind constructive, but thorough, feedback, come talk to me :) We'll be going live today at 3 PMeST over at https;// and #infoSEc #cybersecurity #accessibility #selfPromo #twitch #youtube #streaming

We're getting closer and closer to #LibreOffice 24.8, our next major release – due in late August! The first Release Candidate is now available for testing:… #foss #opensource #news

Thanks to and we have a redesigned home page for

#XMPP #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OpenSource

We are hosting a public XMPP / #Jabber service for 8+ years and you can request an account now. You can learn more about XMPP / Jabber at

With a account and app like Monocles Chat or Monal, you can talk to users of many others messaging apps like Quicksy or Prav.

What's your favourite #FreeSoftware that is #NotOnGitHub (or on other proprietary code forges like

Let us know in the comments! Feel free to also share code from other #Forgejo instances, #Sourcehut or other platforms.

#FreeLibreSoftware #LibreSoftware #Opensource #FLOSS #FOSS #GiveUpGithub #GitHub

Hi everyone, figured I'd do an #introduction :)

I'm Tobi, I live in Southern Germany.
I'm interested in all things #foss, #privacy, #kubernetes, #ttrpg and spend lots of time making #music

So at work, we use Salesforce. The customized version we have uses Tabs across the page to change screens, a lot like an app. Right now, Orca can't navigate directly between those tabs.

So, last night, at around 5:26, I sent a message to the Orca mailing list about it. Today, at 4:12 AM, the Orca developer emailed back saying that she has pushed a new feature, where the tab group is treated as a list, and the tabs are list items. So, in Orca 47, or on the main branch, it works!

This is the kind of thing I mean when I say we just need to reach out and talk to these people. Yes, we'll get people that will tell us to do things ourselves. Yes, we'll get people that don't care. And yes, we'll get people that are actively ableist. But we'll also get people like the orca developer, who just needs to know what we need.

#foss #linux #accessibility #Orca #blind

Stay up-to-date! ☀️ #LibreOffice 24.2.5 is our latest release, with bugfixes and compatibility improvements:… #foss #opensource

Beta3 of NVDA 2024.3 is now available for download & testing. Changes from Beta2 include Add-on update notifications no longer appear when running the NVDA installer & updates to translations. Read more & download from:…

Highlights of 2024.3 include notification of add-on updates, Unicode normalisation options, Help Tech Activator Pro display support, mouse wheel scrolling commands, bug fixes for emoji panel & browsers

#Beta #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #PreRelease #FOSS

Okay, I think I fixed the link.

So, this is like, one of the first times I've done this, but I wanted to show a bit of installing Fedora Linux on my laptop. I'd already started the installation, but it shows most of it, and a bit of setup afterwards. I recorded this on my iPhone, so it won't sound the best. A few things I forgot to mention:

* You cannot buy IBM Viavoice (Eloquence) for Linux anymore, but it's of course still floating around.
* We also have DecTalk on Linux, obvious from the BTSpeak using it.
* You can also get Vocalizer voices.
* There's also Piper of course.…

#Linux #foss #Fedora #accessibility #blind

For those who don't know about it yet, here is a tool, called Audio Game Manager, that lets you play lots of Windows audio games on Linux. This might be useful to be put on the BT Speak, connected to a USB keyboard or Gamepad of course.…

#linux #foss #audioGames #blind #accessibility

LibreOffice's #Design community did lots of UI and #UX work last year! Including major improvement to the suite's dark mode:… #foss #OpenSource

So, I worked on a lot today. I got Ellama, LLM, Company-mode (I hope), and Nov-mode installed and set up. So, I can talk to AI, read EPub books (with formatting!) get autocomplete when writing (in a form a lot more like the Mac than Windows annoying bullcrap.) I still am amazed at how responsive Orca is. I feel like I'm flying around when using it. The closest I can come to that feeling on Windows is JAWS, when it's being good. Emacs and Emacspeak are that way for me too, but I've also had Emacs commands wired into me since I was like 15; I don't know why I'm so attached to that. Maybe it was my first look at Fss. Anyway, I'm gonna see tomorrow if I can back up my home directory to Dropbox or something, so when I install Fedora on my old laptop, I won't have to do things all over again.

Overall, so far, if you're techie and don't mind learning and breaking things and learning more, and aren't currently stressed out a lot, I'd definitely give Linux a try. Maybe start with Debian, and move up to Ubuntu, then Fedora. Read docs, all that. But it's definitely gotten better over the past year or so. And with Audiogame manager, which I forgot about, we can still play a lot of the games we have on Windows. Oh, and I've not had to pull out my Windows laptop all day.

#Linux #foss #accessibility #blind #Emacs #emacspeak #Mate #fedora

Update time! #LibreOffice 24.2.5 is now available – the fifth minor update to our current major release. It includes over 70 bug fixes and compatibility improvements:… #foss #opensource #news

So um, I feel like installing Fedora, or um, no not Arch, no way, I'll brick it. Anyway, Fedora, on my older laptop. AMD 5500U with 32 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD. It's a little beat up, but it definitely still works. Just, some loose USB ports and the bottom part of the casing is kinda bent a little. What do y'all think? Could use is as a kind of home server, maybe?

#linux #foss #laptops #Fedora #blind

Thrilled to be joined by @typo3 colleague Daniel Homorodean and @drupalassoc's Juila Kranzthor for OSPOs for Good at the #UN in New York. An important event that addresses #OpenSource collaboration through Open Source Program Offices (#OSPO) and good governance. #FOSS

Do you want to help make AntennaPod ready for the future? And do you have experience (or talent) in the domain of UX and/or UI design?

We're looking for folks to help us with embedding new innovative features on our player screen!

All details & contact options here👇…

#OpenSourceDesign #UX #UI #FOSS #OpenSourceContributions #Penpot #wireframes #volunteer #SummerProject #UXdesign #UIdesign

Also @Tutanota , as a privacy focused company, why are your comments run on #Reddit, rather than the #Fediverse? Most privacy minded folks don't want their comments being used by AI LLM's etc.

This is way off brand.

@carlschwan among others have already shown how to do it fedistyle, pretty easily, and I'm sure many of the FOSS Fedipeeps here would happily help you out with a quick transition if you asked or gave a few $ to their FOSS project.

#Tuta #Reddit #Privacy #Fediverse #FOSS #AI #LLM

The annual Tidelift maintainer survey is open for responses. It gets cited *all the time*—there really aren't many other sources for understanding of why maintainers do (or don't do) the things they do.

So please circulate widely in all the places you and your #opensource #FOSS maintainer friends hang out.…

Over 19 million views of the #LibreOffice website last year! And actually, that's just for the English-language version. More stats in our Annual Report:… #foss #OpenSource

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 2 is now available for testing!

Changes introduced in Beta 2:
- Fix for reading messages in Windows Mail
- Added International Phonetic Alphabet braille table
- Bug fix for audio output on a mono audio device
- Bug fixes for Unicode normalization
- Updates to translations

Read the full change log and download the Beta from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Beta #PreRelease #FOSS #ScreenReader #NewVersion #New #News #Update #Unicode #IPA #Translation

You can now get three kinds of #PureOS subscription from @purism!

Each of them:

- Helps maintaining releases and bug fixes
- Helps pushing code to other projects

Free and Open Source Software (#FOSS) developers also need an #income!

Consider subscribing if you want to advance #Linux #privacy friendly computing or if you are using #MobileLinux.…

#opensource #phone #librem5 #pinephone #chatty #mobian #linux

So, I ended up having to create a brand new container in #Crostini on the ChromeBook. I upgraded it to Debian 12.6, installed TDSR, but also installed too many Speech-dispatcher modules, and now it's using Festival as its TTS, and I don't feel like braving the config file to fix it back to Espeak-ng. Anyway, I got Emacs, Voxin, Emacspeak, tcl, tcl-dev, build-essential, tcl-dev, SOX, and libasound-dev installed, and Emacspeak, with Outloud, works! The only bad thing is that sound icons are sluggish. That may be an Emacspeak issue, or a Pipewire issue. Not sure yet. But it does work, and speech is very, very responsive! #Emacs #Emacspeak #blind #accessibility #FOSS #Linux #Debian

It breaks my heart 💔 to see the way the Fediverse is discussing the issues arising from some FOSS projects like #Hyprland, #NixOS, and now the #Ladybird project. The divisiveness and lack of empathy in these discussions is truly sickening.

Our enemies are not individuals who spend their entire free time to contribute to FOSS and make mistakes along the way, but corporations and unhinged capitalism that take away our freedoms.

Let's resist the urge to condemn entire projects based on the actions or decisions of individual contributors. It's counterproductive. The beauty of this space is that we have the opportunity to engage in factual, nuanced, and compassionate discussions about these challenges. There's room for diverse perspectives and healthy debate here.

Isn't that what should set us apart from the toxicity and polarization found on platforms like X/Twitter? We're better than that.

The world is not binary. Just because someone isn't pro-something doesn't mean they're anti-something. And not being interested in a particular topic, how important it might be, doesn't make someone subject to be "purged". Life is complex and multifaceted, and we all have our own priorities and experiences that shape our views.

"Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her." (John 8:7) This verse serves as a guiding principle for me, and I believe it should be a cornerstone of any progressive community.

#FOSS #Fediverse