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Starting soon, you might need Windows XP or later to run #curl on Windows... Yes, the XP that was introduced in 2001.…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Wait, you are braking compatibility to a bit older systems? But WHY?

(just in case: Joke)

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Tangential question that that thread has made me wonder: How do you decide what to put in the user surveys? I recently worked for someone creating a survey and the attention to detail in the design to try and get the most useful data there was mind boggling. Given how important #curl is, it makes me wonder how you do it?
in reply to William Leech

@WilliamLeech I started out by adding all the questions that I could think of that I would like answers to. Then I try to learn, add and adjust them every year to reach better and to help us better. But I also want to keep most of them mostly the same so that we better can see trends and changes year-by-year. Then maybe asking the questions is the easy part, figuring out what the answers mean is harder...
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

That's true, I saw analysis of a survey being done too. It was eye opening (for me anyway).
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Out of curiosity I just tried running the 8.4 curl binary on Windows 98 and it's missing bcrypt.dll :blobcatsadreach:

I guess it has to be built without bcrypt to make it work on those systems?