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Just brought up #Lemmy for the first time, and immediately found an accessibility bug. In general, Lemmy seems to get many things right, but in a non-English UI version of the web front-end, the global HTML lang attribute is still set to English, causing my screen reader to read German words with an English synthesizer, which sounds quite gibberish. I filed an issue and hope they can address it soon:
in reply to Marco Zehe

There's a tonne of development energy going into #Lemmy at the moment. I might see if I can raise a PR to fix your issue later when I get to my laptop. Keep raising these issues! #Accessibility issues are difficult to see for people who don't need tools like screen readers, so its great when people who do make their voices heard.
in reply to NotGagarin

@not_gagarin Thank you! I will watch my issue, and if you mention it from your PR, I will see it.
in reply to Nico Hoffmann ෴.

@distantnative Interesting! Thanks! However, this is a problem with federated content in general. What I find more worrisome is the right-wing ffashist attitude of the main contributor.
in reply to Marco Zehe

I haven’t looked into it myself in depth - maybe it actually isn’t a thing. But just wanted to flag it - shile Reddit is on fire, it’s normal to want to find a new solution. But this might need time to really figure out a good one. Mastodon had a track record of years, so that call was easier last year when the clown bought Twitter
in reply to Nico Hoffmann ෴.

@distantnative True that. But the accessibility issue, and the reaction to it, will tell us something, too, namely if it is even worth pouring energy into it, or move on to something else. So all is not wasted.
in reply to Marco Zehe

I've heard a good deal about Lemmy on the various subreddits that are protesting the API changes. Sadly, I've mostly heard rather unenthusiastic comments. It's tiny, the few active areas are all communist extremists who love what Russia is doing, that kind of thing. I hope Lemmy has its own Mastodon moment, where Mastodon was small for years before suddenly exploding in popularity.
in reply to Alex Hall

@alexhall Yeah, I am finding this out as well. And the main author himself seems to be a total right-wing fashist jerk. BTW: I do not even understand why all these communists find Russia so great, because what Putin does is anything but communist or socialist, but downright fashist as well. See this thread for some background on the author:
in reply to Marco Zehe

That's... I guess this is why we can't have nice things. It's either a greedy company slandering an indie dev and throwing out all the good user experiences because money, or someone starting something good who turns out to be some extremist nutjob.
in reply to Marco Zehe

@alexhall None of these people bother to learn what communism is really about. History doesn't exist for them except to support some version of their idea.