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Tl'dr #rustlang is a great collaboration opportunity for @gnome and @kde.

A long long time ago, #freedesktop initiative was created for precisely this goal. While in many ways it was a success story (especially in terms of establishing standards), it came short in one specific aspect: code collaboration.

Most freedesktop (all?) projects were and are almost exclusively developed and maintained by GNOME folks. That's not very surprising, given that C (being that lowest common denominator) had to be the programming language of choice. Just like most GNOME folks wouldn't want to touch C++, KDE folks don't particularly enjoy coding in C either. I know both have their reasons and the point here is not to play the blame game here.

There is not much point in dwelling in the past here but if we decide to write all future infrastructure/non-UI projects (that would have otherwise been written in C or C++) in Rust, there's a great potential for collaboration, I believe.

Talk is cheap, you could say and I agree. Hence why I've taken some steps in this direction already:

This entry was edited (11 months ago)