Items tagged with: RustLang


Items tagged with: RustLang



It turns out that Rust functions aren't fun. The compiler doesn't like u.

#Rust #RustLang

Newest #rustlang `http` release v1.3.0 out today!

Perhaps biggest deal is allowing more characters in the `Uri`, because frankly that's the real world.…

there was real innovation happening at mozilla like #rustlang and #servo, but instead of building on that, you let go of those projects.

Where is the next Firefox Quantum that is competitive with google chrome?

Stop doing pseudo-features like #colorways, and return to bringing innovation to the table and focus on the fight for a free internet.

Did you know that #deltachat literally shares cryptographic implementation code with #signal ? Both delta and signal use the ed25519-dalek crate ... Most messengers by now moved their cryptography to #rustlang . We did that in 2019. But in delta also all networking and message formats is implemented in Rust where other messengers (including signal) have a lot of platform specific code still.

Inspecting flamegraphs is a pain - dealing with SVG files, opening a browser… ugh.

Not anymore!

🔎 **flamelens** — An interactive flamegraph viewer for the terminal.

🔥 Works with perf, py-spy and cargo-flamegraph.

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #flamegraph #profiling #development #terminal #commandline

Interested to take a little tour through how #deltachat apps and the #rustlang core library are wired together?

@treefit and @WofWca provide a deep-dive into the history of apps migrating from a C-Foreign-Function-Interface to a #Rust based JSON-RPC mechanism, with entertaining horror stories like how an iOS release some years ago could delete profiles without the user intending it 😬

The post also highlights a few areas where folks interested to help could start ...…

You know what I like to do in my terminal late at night?
I try to find my way through an infinite maze.

🧌 **minotaur**: Multiplayer SSH game, beware of the minotaurs!

🎮 Let's play together: *ssh -p 2020*

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #ssh #game #terminal

I think that’s pretty fair. FOSS projects rarely are shining beacons of change management done well.

I’m not sure I understand why so many people “in charge” of adopting/managing #Rustlang in some projects appear to despise the language so much. Feels very counter intuitive to me.

This marks my very first technical blog post, Interning at @servo has been an absolute joy—I’ve learned so much about browsers, Rust, and the open source community, and I’m beyond grateful!…

#Rust #opensource #rustlang

Are you into #rustlang and looking for (remote) #work? Want to help #cancer #research? We're planning to add some major features to a CLI app that require some serious software engineering skills. Understanding of stats a big plus, genetics knowledge a bonus. Send me a DM!

(Please RT for reach)

#rustjobs #RemoteJobs #Job #jobs

It is popular to criticise surveillance/capitalism and to want/work towards a decentralized, secure and diverse communication and media landscape. However, there are real devices, networks, states and stores to navigate, inducing technical and usable-security challenges. #deltachat dev efforts are following a "speculative realism" instead of an idealist approach. We care about cooperative user testing, maintenability and development. We btw moved to #rustlang in 2019 ... when it wasn't cool :)

“We need to get one thing out of the way: Rust is cool. It’s fun.

“It’s tempting to try to sweep this under the rug because it feels gauche to say, but it’s actually important for a number of reasons.

“For one, fish is a hobby project, and that means we want it to be fun for us. Nobody is being paid to work on fish, so we need it to be fun. Being fun and interesting also attracts contributors.”

#rust #RustLang #FishShell

TIL about, a web app for viewing source code diffs between two versions of a crate. Neat! #rustlang #rust

I can't wait to see how people use default field values in #Rust!
It felt like an eternity to land this (specially if we count the years of discussion before the, I believe, 3rd RFC was accepted), but as of next nightly you will be able to write

struct Foo {
bar: Type = Type::const_method(),

Foo { .. } // implicit `bar: Type::const_method()` call

The main difference between… and derive(Default) is that the latter doesn't support having mandatory fields.

Will never stop being positively surprised by clippy

#RustLang #Rust

Once more for the evening crowd (or folks in other timezones): Unsafe for work - how to treat and communicate unsafe Rust

#rustlang #rust

I’ve been on Fedi for a year now and have fallen in love with the platform, so here’s my introduction! I studied computer science with a focus on RTOS and FP/PL, but I’m about to start my final semester of law school. I’ll be practicing at a boutique firm that primarily handles IP cases once I’m barred. I foilboard and I play way too many rhythm games in and out of the arcade.

I contribute to open source projects where I can, and I write up my experience in my digital garden which I’ve been maintaining for over a year now. It’s also a good place to find usage tips for projects/tools that you might want to use.

My passion for tech also includes privacy, and I’m an advocate for minimizing your digital footprint. GenAI is a scam and its purveyors are causing real harm while they sell it as hard as they can.

Follow me for: #selfhosting #digitalgardening #privacy #lawfedi #section230 #copyright #patents #rustlang #gleam #haskell #RSS #neovim #NixOS #zotero #tmux #alacritty #linux #egpu #qemu #arch #archlinux #GNOME #watches #watchmaking #obsidian #obsidianmd #thunderbird #fpv #mechkeys #mechkeeb #mechanicalkeyboard #matrix #signal #fido2 #passkeys #dancerushstardom

📣 New blog post

✨ Sliding Sync at the Matrix Conference —…

I have presented Sliding Sync, a novel, fast and efficient synchronisation mechanism for the Matrix protocol, at the first Matrix Conference in Berlin. It's been many many months that I'm working on this project, and I'm joyful it's now available to everyone for a better Matrix user experience!

The article contains the recording + slides. I've highlighted other talks too.

#matrix #RustLang

rPGP is an #OpenPGP implementation in pure #Rust (

It serves as the end-to-end encryption engine for Delta Chat:
@delta, a secure decentralized messager for all major platforms (and then some).

rPGP implements all generations of the OpenPGP standard, up to and including the new RFC 9580.

#RustLang #Cryptography #PGP

New release today: #rPGP version 0.14.0 ✨

(#OpenPGP implemented in pure #Rust, permissively licensed)…

This release brings rather complete support for the excellent new OpenPGP RFC 9580 (also known as "crypto refresh", or "v6")

RFC 9580 standardizes modern cryptographic mechanisms for OpenPGP: AEAD-based encryption, Argon2, and SHA2 fingerprints for the new OpenPGP v6 key format (v4 keys use SHA1).

Thanks @NGIZero for supporting this work!

#RustLang #PGP #GnuPG

Are you a FOSS developer? Do you want to learn #Rust #RustLang? I will give a two hour course on the basics of Rust Saturday, September 28, at 16:00 UTC. This is early evening for Europe, and morning in the US. (I can do another session that's more suitable for Asia, later.)


Is this *too much*? Historically, having two crate versions in your dependency tree and accidentally mixing types from them led to horribly obtuse error messages (expected `Foo`, found `Foo`). We've slowly chipped away at them, but somethings I fear I might have gone overboard with detail. 😬

#Rust #RustLang

"You know what, I'm gonna search for it anyway, but surely the perfect image for this doesn't exi--"

#rust #rustlang

Can't believe this runs in a terminal! 🤯

🐠 **lifecycler**: Terminal aquarium 🫧

🆙 ASCIIquarium reaches a new level! 🐟

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs + @bevy

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #aquarium #terminal #asciiquarium #bevy #gamedev #game #gamejam

After many years away from the stage, I am back! It looks like I’m accepted to give a talk at the Matrix Conference ( to present ✨ native simplified sliding sync ✨: how it differs from the first version of sliding sync (an experimental project implemented inside a proxy), how we’ve implemented it inside the Matrix Rust SDK etc. Gonna be fun!

#matrix #RustLang