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Linux users are so garbage to developers, no wonder everyone hates you. Seriously most of you deserve the #linux desktop.

EDIT: I had to cut out the picture of the person being trashed. That's how garbage these people are.

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Jorge Castro

just /g/ channers malding, like—if I may take a term they seem to enjoy—the soyboys they are
Unknown parent

Emmanuele Bassi
@alatiera @lea I, for one, am happy to take this occasion to learn that apparently I have dedicated haters on the chan. It means I'm arrived at the apex of my career, and thus I can start winding it down
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

@ebassi @alatiera @lea realistically speaking, you are probably the most famous GNOME developer, so it's obvious that people will have a lot to say about you
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

KDE people aren't immune either, I'll save you the trouble of having to go to X:
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
Unknown parent

Emmanuele Bassi
@vixalientoots @alatiera @lea bash dot org, except for entitled Linux assholes
in reply to Jorge Castro

@ebassi @vixalientoots @alatiera @lea These are unfortunately very easy to collect.

A motivated but bored individual could make a pretty funny website out of all of these. 😍