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The more I learn about #history of the Soviet Union, the more I realize just how much my native #Ukraine was actively stifled, prevented from developing and innovating, and forced into this image of a backwards and hopeless nation.

Our people have always been so phenomenal, talented, ambitious, kind, and creative. But they’ve been punished, scared, and intimidated into a terrible subservient existence for so many decades and centuries.

I love Ukraine, but god history is unfair.

in reply to Mariya Delano

Not only Ukraine. I've just finished a book about how parts of modern China were devastated and terrorized by communists. Red plague and brown plague are basically the same.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion oh yeah. So so so many places.

I focus on learning about Ukraine because well I’ve got a personal interest.

But there are similar stories all around the previously Soviet countries, China, North Korea, and so many others.

in reply to Mariya Delano

Well, I'm also Ukrainian, but still it's relevant for all of our poor planet. So many peoples oppressed, exiled, terrorized, murdered, just horrible.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion oh I didn’t realize! Героям слава ☺️

Yes - fully agree. I love learning about history but god my heart hurts for so many people who needlessly suffer…

in reply to Mariya Delano

@menelion To be fair, this abuse / subducation against Ukrainians by Russians has been in existence for nearly 350 years. Stalin has taken it to the extreme by making some evil-clever steps, i.e. destroying as much intellgentsia as possible, starving people and destroying the much of the cultural back-bone, including literature, language and, most importantly, the sense of self-identity.